Page 182 - Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (IUPAC Recommendations 2005)
P. 182

Subject Index

                         homonuclear monocyclic compounds,         homonuclear polycyclic parent
                              87–89                                  hydrides, 89
                           choice of naming method, 88           substituent groups, 101–104, 108–110
                           Hantzsch–Widman names, 87–89            substitution, 109
                           use of the prefix cyclo, 87            substituted derivatives, 101–104
                         homonuclear polycyclic compounds, 89      branched structures, 103–104
                           and fusion of monocycles, 89            choice of principal chain, 103–104
                           Hantzsch–Widman system, 8 9             locants, 102–104
                           skeletal replacement, 89                numbering, 102–104
                           von Baeyer notation, 89                 use of prefixes, 101–104
                         homopolynuclear acyclic compounds,        use of suffixes, 101–104
                              86–87                           Parentheses
                           with non-standard bonding numbers,    in formulae, 20–22
                              86–87                              in names, 22–24
                           with standard  b onding numbers, 8 6  strike-through parentheses and
                         ions, 105–108                             polymers, 22, 56, 61
                           radicals, 109–110                  Pearson notation, 57, 241–242
                         mononuclear compounds, 84–86            crystalline allotropes, 49–51
                           with non-standard bonding numbers,  Perbromate, 131, 321
                              84–86                           Perbromic acid, 131, 287
                           with standard  b onding numbers,   Perchlorate, 1 31, 322
                              84–85                           Perchloric acid, 131, 295
                           table, 85                          Periodate, 131, 322
                         non-standard bonding numbers, 38, 84,  Periodic acid, 131, 299
                           86–87                              Periodic table, 51–52, (see also inside front
                         numbering skeletal atoms, 38              cover)
                         order of citation  o f  m  odifications,  element groups, 5 1
                           109–110                            Peroxide, 73, 320
                         precedence  i n  n ames              Peroxido, 320
                           cation vs. a nion vs. r adical,    Peroxo
                              109–110                            infix in functional replacement names,
                         radicals, 105, 108–110                    138
                           derivatives, 108–110                  obsolete ligand name  ( see peroxido)
                           ions, 10, 109–110                  Peroxy, 1 38
                         replacement prefixes                  Peroxy acids, 139
                           heteronuclear monocyclic           Phase nomenclature, 241–242
                              compounds, 8 6–89               Phosphate, 128, 325
                           heteronuclear polycyclic compounds,  Phosphine, obsolete  n ame for phosphane,
                              100–101                              85 (see footnote  e )
                           homonuclear monocyclic             Phosphinic acid, 129
                              compounds, 8 7–89               Phosphinous acid, 129
                           homonuclear polycyclic compounds,  Phosphite, 1 28, 324
                              89                              Phosphonate, 128, 303
                         skeletal replacement nomenclature, 6  Phosphonic acid, 128
                           heteronuclear polycyclic parent    Phosphonous acid, 128
                              hydrides, 1 00–101              Phosphoric acid, 125, 128

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