Page 186 - Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (IUPAC Recommendations 2005)
P. 186

Subject Index

                         Pearson notation, 57, 241–242        Stiboric acid, 129
                         phase composition, 237–238           Stiborous acid, 129
                           variation, 3 5, 238                Stock number (see oxidation number)
                         phase nomenclature, 241–242          Stoichiometric descriptors, for addition
                         point defect notation (see Kro ¨ger–Vink  compounds, 33, 80–81
                           notation), 238–241                 Stoichiometric names (see also generalized
                         polymorphism, 245–246                     stoichiometric names), 6, 69–75
                           polytypes, 246                        binary compounds, 69–70
                           use of crystal systems, 246           boron hydrides, 8 9–90
                         site type, 1 9, 21, 29                  ions, 7 0–75
                         solutions, 236                            anions, 72–75
                         structural t ype, 34                      cations, 7 0–72
                         unit cell t winning, 244–245            order of components, 6, 75–76
                         Vernier structures, 242–243             order of elements, 69
                       Solidus, in names of addition compounds,  table, 280–336
                            27                                Stoichiometric phases, 236
                       Spaces in names, 30                    Strike-through parentheses, in formulae of
                       Specific  i sotopic  l abelling, 64–65       polymers, 22, 56, 61
                       Square brackets                        Structural affixes, 259
                         in formulae, 17–19                   Structural descriptors, 166, 168
                           to enclose coordination entity,       in boron hydride nomenclature, 90–92
                              17–19, 59, 113–117                 in formulae, 67
                           to enclose structural f ormulae, 19   for polynuclear clusters, 170, 172–174
                         isotopically labelled compounds, 6 4–65  Structural formulae
                         in names, 17, 19–20                     enclosing marks, 55–56
                       Square planar complexes, configuration     of ligands, 261–268
                            index, 180–181                    Subscripts
                       Square pyramidal complexes, specifying    to indicate  a tomic  n umber, 32, 47–48
                            configuration, 183–184             Substituent groups
                       Standard bonding numbers, 84              in boron hydrides, 1 04–105
                         and mononuclear acyclic parent          derived from metallocenes, 225–226
                           hydrides, 8 6                         derived from parent hydrides, 101–104,
                       Stereochemical p riorities, CIP rules, 44   108–110
                       Stereochemistry, atom numbering, 40       and enclosing marks, 22–23
                       Stereochemical d escriptors (or           ligands forming multiple  m  etal–carbon
                            stereodescriptors), 144                bonds, 213–215
                         and enclosing marks, 22–24              in organometallics, 203
                         polyhedral s ymbols, 175–179              named from parent hydrides, 2 04, 2 07
                       Stereoisomers of coordination compounds,  table of names, 280–336
                            175                               Substitutive nomenclature, 6–7, 83–110
                       Stibine, o bsolete  n ame for stibane, 8 5  ( see  vs. a dditive nomenclature, 83–84,
                            footnote  e )                            113–118
                       Stibinic acid, 129                          for parent hydrides, 1 02–103
                       Stibinous acid, 129                       boron hydrides
                       Stibonic  a cid, 129                        hydrogen atom distribution,
                       Stibonous acid, 129                           93–94

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