Page 184 - Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (IUPAC Recommendations 2005)
P. 184

Subject Index

                         and C/A convention, 187–191          Replacement nomenclature
                         of donor atoms and configuration index,  for oxoacid  d erivatives, 139–140
                              180                                for polyboranes, 99
                           square planar complexes, 180–181      use of arabic numerals, 38
                         in Hantzsch–Widman names, 95–98      Replacement prefixes  f or parent hydride
                         in parent hydride names, cation vs.       names
                           anion vs. r adical, 1 09–110          chains of alternating skeletal atoms, 95
                         and R/S convention, 186                 heteronuclear monocyclic compounds,
                       Priority numbers, f or donor atoms in       86–89
                            stereoisomers, 193–195               heteronuclear polycyclic compounds,
                         assignment, 194–195                       100–101
                         CIP rules, 194–195                      homonuclear monocyclic compounds,
                       Proton, 48, 298                             87–89
                       Punctuation marks, hierarchy, 44          homonuclear polycyclic compounds, 89
                                                              Ring compounds (see also chains and rings
                                                                 boron hydrides, 9 2
                       Quasi-chemical reactions in solids,
                                                                 catenacycles, 118–119, 121–122
                            238–239, 241
                                                                 chelate rings
                                                                   absolute configuration and
                       R                                             conformation, 35–36, 259
                       R/S convention and absolute configuration,   skew-lines convention, 193
                            185–187                              cyclate compounds, 121–122
                         tetrahedral compounds, 1 86             cyclium compounds, 121
                         trigonal pyramidal compounds, 186       cyclo prefix for coordination
                       Radicals                                    compounds, 129, 133, 171–172, 259
                         additive names, 112                     cyclo  p refix, 87–88, 92, 96–98, 259
                         anion names, 10–11, 73–75               Hantzsch–Widman names
                         cation names, 70–72                       heteronuclear monocyclic parent
                         chains and rings nomenclature, 121          hydrides, 95–98
                         compositional names, 70–75                heteronuclear polycyclic parent
                         derived from parent hydrides, 1 05,         hydrides, 100–101, 103
                              108–110                              homonuclear monocyclic
                           ions, 10, 109–110                         compounds, 87–89
                           shortened  n ames, 109                  monocylic group 13–16
                         dinuclear compounds, 1 15–117               organometallics, 231–232
                         formulae, 66                              parent name e ndings, 85, 96,
                         names                                       251–257
                           changed recommendations, 336 (see     parent hydrides
                              footnote  e )                        fusion of monocyclic compounds,
                           table, 280–336                            89, 100–101
                       Radical dot, 12                             heteronuclear compounds, 9 4–101
                         enclosing  m  arks, 21, 23                heteronuclear monocyclic
                         in formulae, 27, 66                         compounds, 86–89, 95–98
                         in names, 28, 112                         homonuclear monocyclic
                       Rare earth metals, 51                         compounds, 87–89

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