Page 179 - Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (IUPAC Recommendations 2005)
P. 179

Subject Index

                         element names, 46–47                 Nuclear reactions, symbols, 48
                         functional replacement n omenclature,  Nuclides, 47–48
                           137–140                              mass and atomic  n umbers, 32, 64
                         general remarks, 5                   Numbering
                         parent hydride-based nomenclature,     boron atoms in boranes, 33
                           83–110                               central atoms in polynuclear
                         substitutive nomenclature, 6–7, 83–100      compounds, 167
                       Non-commensurate structures, 242–243        clusters, 173
                       Non-standard bonding numbers, 33, 84     of ligands with several points of
                         and group 13–16 organometallics, 230      attachment, 213
                         heteronuclear monocyclic parent        of metals  i n  d inuclear organometallics,
                           hydrides, 9 8                           211
                         hydrogen placement in parent hydrides,  polyhedral borane  c lusters, 92–93
                           38                                   skeletal atoms in chains and rings, 42,
                         l convention, 33, 38, 84, 86–87, 9 8, 259  119
                         and mononuclear acyclic  p arent       in substituted parent hydrides, 102–104
                           hydrides, 8 6–87, 1 01             Numerals
                       Non-stoichiometric phases, 236, 242–245  arabic
                         antiphase boundary, 244                   in formulae, 31–32
                         chemical twinning, 244–245                in names, 32–34
                         commensurate structures, 242–243       Roman, i n  f ormulae and names, 34
                         composition, 21
                         crystallographic shear structures, 244  O
                         disordered twin planes, 244          ‘Ocene’ nomenclature, 225–228
                         homologous compounds, 243–244        Octahedral complexes
                         incommensurate structures, 242–243     absolute  c onfiguration, 185, 189–193
                         infinitely adaptive structures, 245        C/A convention, 185, 189–190
                         intercalation, 245                        CIP rules, 189
                         misfit structures, 243                     cis-bis(bidentate) complexes,
                         modulated structures, 242–243               191–193
                         non-commensurate structures, 242–243      skew-lines convention, 185, 191–193
                         Pearson notation, 241–242                 tris(bidentate) c omplexes, 191–192
                         phase nomenclature, 241–242            specifying configuration, 182–183
                         shear planes, 244                         configuration index, 182–183
                         solid mixtures, 236                    stereoisomers
                         solid solutions, 236                      bis(tridentate) c omplexes, 195–196
                         unit cell t winning, 244–245              priming convention, 195–197
                         use of formulae, 236                 Oligonuclear compounds, additive names,
                         variable composition, 236                 117–118
                       Non-symmetrical d inuclear compounds,  Optically active compounds
                           additive names, 116–117              formulae, 66
                         for different central atoms, 116       sign of rotation, 22, 26
                         for identical central atoms, 116     Order
                         k convention, 116–117                  in addition compounds, 41
                         multiplicative prefixes, 116            alphabetical, 4 0–41
                         order of central atoms, 116–117        of atomic  s ymbols in formulae, 58–63

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