Page 178 - Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (IUPAC Recommendations 2005)
P. 178
Subject Index
and substitutive names for parent semicolons, 28–29
hydrides, 1 01–104 solidus, 2 7
table, 258 spaces, 30
‘tri’ vs. ‘ tris’, 37, 76, 150–151, 258 substitutive nomenclature, 84
triiodide vs. t ris(iodide), 79 Names of coordination compounds, 1 44,
trisulfide vs. t ris(sulfide), 79 150–153
Muon symbol, 48, 313 dinuclear species, 1 66–167
Muonide, 313 order of bridging and terminal ligands,
Muonium s ymbol, 48, 313 163–164
stepwise naming procedure, 1 49–150
N Naming procedure for new elements,
Name construction, 4–5 46–47
abbreviations for ligands, 6 3, 261 Natride, obsolete name ( see sodide)
for acids, 126 Nickelocene, 225
affixes, 16 nido-boranes, 90–94, 99–100, 259
arabic numerals, 32–34 Nitramide, 139
binary species, 5 Nitrate, 128, 315
chains and rings, 121–122 Nitric acid, 128
colons, 28–29 Nitride, 313
commas, 29 Nitrite, 128, 315
dinuclear compounds, Nitrogen compounds
non-symmetrical, 116–117 oxoacids, 128
symmetrical, 114–116 derivatives, 139
dots, 28, 70–75 table of names, 300–301, 313–318
element ordering, 42–43 oxides, 315, 317–318
elisions, 31 Nitrosyl, 315
‘em’ dashes, 26 Nitrous acid, 128
enclosing m arks, 19–20, 22–24 Nitryl, 315
braces, 24 Nodal d escriptors, in chains and rings
parentheses, 22–24 nomenclature, 20, 29, 119–121
square brackets, 19–20 Nomenclature
general principles, 16–17 of organometallic compounds
Greek letters, 35–36 main group elements, 228–232
hyphens, 2 4–25 polynuclear compounds, 232–233
italic letters, 34–35 transition metals, 201–228, 232
locants in other a reas of chemistry, 13
arabic numerals, 38–40 Nomenclature systems
letters, 40 additive nomenclature, 5, 7, 111–123
metal–metal bonds, 23, 26 for inorganic chains and rings, 7,
mononuclear compounds, 113–114 118–122
multiplicative prefixes, 37 compositional nomenclature, 5–6,
oligonuclear compounds, 117–118 68–82
order of ligands, 4 1, 43–44 names of (formal) addition
plus and minus signs, 25–26 compounds, 80–81
primes, 36–37 stoichiometric names, 68–70
Roman numerals, 34 coordination nomenclature, 7, 147–148