Page 181 - Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (IUPAC Recommendations 2005)
P. 181

Subject Index

                       Orthoperiodate, 131, 322               Oxygen
                       Orthoperiodic acid, 131, 310             order of atomic s ymbol vs. halogens, 10,
                       Orthophosphoric acid, 131 (see              336 (see footnote  f )
                           footnote  a )                        table of compound names, 319–322
                       Orthosilicic acid, 132 (see footnote a)  Ozone, 321
                       Orthotellurate, 130, 334               Ozonide, 321
                       Orthotelluric acid, 130
                       Osmocene, 225–226                      P
                       Oxidation  n umber, 17                 Parent h ydride-based nomenclature, 6,
                         in binary compounds, 7 0                  83–110
                         in coordination compounds, 1 52–154    ‘a’ terms, 87–89, 94–98, 100–101
                         enclosing marks, 23                    acyclic  c ompounds, 86–87
                         and generalized stoichiometric names,  anionic derivatives, 72, 106–108
                           77–78                                   by hydride addition, 107
                         and organometallics, 203                  by hydron loss, 74, 106–107
                       Oxidation  s tate,                          substitution, 107–108
                         definition, 147                         anions, 72
                         in formulae, 34, 65–66                    formation of names, 8
                         in names, 34                              homopolyatomic, 74
                       Oxides                                      radicals, 10
                         of chromium, 295–296                   branched structures, 103
                         of potassium, 311                      cationic  d erivatives, 105–106
                       Oxido, 319                                  by hydride loss, 105–106
                       Oxo                                         by hydron addition, 105
                         obsolete  l igand name (see oxido)        substitution, 106
                         prefix in substitutive nomenclature,    and charge numbers, 7 2
                           319                                  choice of parent, 101
                       Oxoacids                                 for group 13–16 organometallics,
                         acceptable common names, 127–132            230–233
                         additive names, 127–134                   element order, 233
                         chains and rings nomenclature,         Hantzsch–Widman endings, 251–257
                           128–130, 133–134                     heteronuclear acyclic compounds,
                         derivatives                                 94–95
                           acceptable common names, 139–140        chains of alternating skeletal atoms,
                           additive names, 139–140,                  95
                           functional replacement n ames, 84,      chains and rings nomenclature, 95
                             126, 137–140                          with four or more heteroatoms, 94
                         hydrogen names, 125, 134–137              with less  t han four heteroatoms, 94
                         ordering  f ormulae, 61                heteronuclear compounds, 9 4–101
                         of phosphorus, 128–129, 133–134, 137      polycyclic compounds, 100–101
                           derivatives, 139                     heteronuclear monocyclic compounds,
                         polynuclear compounds, 1 35                 95–98
                         of sulfur, 126, 1 29–130, 133, 137        Hantzsch–Widman names, 95–98
                           derivatives, 139–140                    indicated hydrogen, 96
                         tables of names, 127–132, 139–140         order of citation of heteroatoms, 96
                       Oxonium, 71, 105, 309                       tautomers, 96

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