Page 177 - Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (IUPAC Recommendations 2005)
P. 177

Subject Index

                         use of commas, 29                    Misfit structures, 243
                         use of hyphens, 3 5                  Modulated structures, 242–243
                                                              Modules, in chains and rings
                       M                                           nomenclature, 118
                       m (see Mu)                             Molecular formulae, 54
                       Main group elements, organometallic    Mononuclear entities
                           compounds, 2 28–232                  additive names, 113–114
                       Manganese oxides, names, 312–313         parent hydride names, 84–86
                       ‘Manganocene’, 2 26                         endings in Hantzsch–Widman
                       Mass number, 32, 47–48                        system, 9 6
                         nuclides, 64                         Mu (m), symbol f or bridging, 3 2–33, 36,
                       mer prefix, 179                              259
                         and octahedral geometry, 182–183       in coordination compounds, 163
                       Metaborate, 127, 285                     in dinuclear species, 1 15–117
                       Metaboric acid, 127                      in formulae, 67
                       Metal–metal bonds                        and hydrogen atoms in boron hydrides,
                         in coordination compounds, 1 48,            28, 93–94
                           165–166, 173                            substitution, 104–105
                         designation  i n  n ames, 23, 2 6      in organometallics, 211–212
                         in organometallics, 2 12                  bridging vs. t erminal ligands, 2 03,
                       Metallocene nomenclature, 225–228             208–209
                         and cyclooctatetraene compounds,          unsaturated hydrocarbon ligands,
                           227–228                                   222–223
                         di(ligand) derivatives, 227               and Z convention, 222–223
                         functional names, 225–226                 and k convention, 222–223
                         lanthanoids, 226                     Multiple bonding, numbering in
                         oxidized  s pecies, 2 26–227              substitutive nomenclature, 87
                         prefix nomenclature, 225–226          Multiplicative prefixes, 5, 258
                         s- and p-block elements, 226, 229      in binary names, 69–70
                         substituent g roup names, 225–226      and coordination entities, 150–151
                         substituents on cyclopentadienyl rings,   and donor atom symbol, 155
                           226                                     and k convention, 156
                       Metaphosphate, 324                          number of ligands, 1 50–151, 161,
                       Metaphosphoric acid, 129                      163
                       Metasilicate, 128, 333                      to simplify names of dinuclear
                       Metasilicic  a cid, 127                       species, 1 66–167
                       Methanido vs. m  ethyl, ligands, 7 8,    ‘di’ vs. ‘ bis’, 37, 76, 101, 113, 150–151,
                           203–205                                 258
                       Methods of nomenclature, 4–8             in generalized stoichiometric names,
                         choice of system, 7–8                     76–77
                         general guidelines, 8                  for ligands in additive names, 113
                           flowchart, 8                          in non-symmetrical dinuclear
                       Methylidene vs. m  ethylene ligands,        compounds, 116
                           208–209                              and number of boron atoms in boron
                       Mineral n ames, 237                         hydrides, 8 9
                       Minus signs i n  f ormulae and names, 25–26  and proportion of ions, 1 52–153

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