Page 173 - Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (IUPAC Recommendations 2005)
P. 173

Subject Index

                         order of constituents, 75–76           skeletal atom positions, 38–39
                         proportion of constituents, 76–80      for up to ten-membered rings, 88,
                           charge numbers, 7 7–78                  96–98
                           multiplicative prefixes, 76–77      Hapticity
                           oxidation numbers, 77–78             and organometallics, 216–217
                       Geometrical affixes, 259                  use of Z symbol, 32, 35
                       Germanide, 298                         Heteronuclear compounds, parent hydride
                       Germanium compounds and species, t able     names, 94–101
                           of names, 297–298                    acyclic  c ompounds, 94–95
                       Germide, 297,                            monocyclic compounds, 95–98
                       Greek letters, 35–36                     polycyclic compounds, 100–101
                         and skew-lines convention, 191–192   Hill order in formulae, 54, 60
                       Group 1  a nd 2  e lement organometallics,  History of nomenclature, 2–3
                           228–230, 232                       Homoatomic species, table of names,
                       Group 3–12 element organometallics,         280–336
                           201–228, 232–233                   Homologous solids, 243–244
                       Group 13–16 element organometallics,   Homonuclear compounds, parent h ydride
                           228, 230–233                            names, 86–89
                         l convention, 230                      acyclic  c ompounds, 86–87
                                                                monocyclic compounds, 87–89
                       H                                        polycyclic compounds, 89
                       Z (see Eta)                            Hydrates, 80–81
                       H designator                           Hydrazine and derived ions and radicals,
                         for bridging  h ydrogen atoms in boron    83, 105–108, 317
                           hydrides, 3 5, 93–94               Hydride names, parent, 84–101
                         and indicated hydrogen in heterocycles,  Hydro
                           39, 96                               obsolete ligand name (see hydrido)
                       Halogens                                 prefix in substitutive nomenclature
                         atomic symbols, o rder vs. o xygen, 10,   order in names, 10
                           336 (see footnote f)                    use with Hantzsch–Widman system,
                         oxoacids, 131                               96, 101
                       Hantzsch–Widman names                  Hydrogen
                         cyclic boranes, 92                     in boron hydrides
                         heteronuclear monocyclic parent           as bridging atom, 93–94
                           hydrides, 9 5–98                        designation of number of atoms, 24
                         heteronuclear polycyclic parent           substitution, 104–105
                           hydrides, 1 00–101, 103              isotopes, 48, 2 49 (see footnote  f ),
                         homonuclear monocycles, 87–89               298
                           numbering, 89                        ligand names, 151
                         indicated hydrogen, 39               Hydrogen names, 75
                         monocyclic organometallics of group    abbreviated names for anions, 137
                           13–16 elements, 231–232              cf. c ompositional names, 136
                         order of hetero atoms, 42, 96          construction, 136
                         parent name  e ndings, 85, 251–257     general requirements, 136,
                           table, 96                            for inorganic  a cids, 125, 134–137
                         priorities, 89                         polynuclear oxoacids, 135

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