Page 169 - Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (IUPAC Recommendations 2005)
P. 169

Subject Index

                         and diastereoisomers, 179–180          formulae, 59–61, 153–154
                         octahedral systems, 182–183               construction, 59
                           reference axis, 182                     enclosing marks, 18–19, 153
                         priming convention, 195–198               and ionic charge, 153–154
                         priority numbers, 180–181, 193–195        ligand abbreviations, 154
                         see-saw systems, 185                      oxidation number, 153–154
                         square planar systems, 180–181            sequence of symbols, 153
                         square pyramidal systems, 183–184         square  b rackets, 113–117
                         T-shaped systems, 185                  k convention, 155–160
                         trigonal prismatic systems, 190           and Z convention, 161
                       Connectivity                                use of superscripts, 156
                         in chain and ring compounds, 118       ligand priority, 193–198
                         in organometallic compounds, 2 01–203,    priority numbers, 1 80–181, 193–195
                           216                                  names, 144, 150–153
                       Constitution of coordination compounds,     numbering of ligands, 1 50–151
                           149–174                                 order of ligands and central atoms,
                         formulae, 153–154                           150
                         names, 150–153                            representing ligands, 1 51–152
                         polynuclear species, 1 61–174          naming procedure, 1 49–150, 168
                         specifying donor atoms, 154–161           flowchart, 149–150
                       Coordination compounds and entities,     polyhedral symbols, 33–34, 144,
                           142–199                                 175–179
                         absolute  c onfiguration, 185–198       polynuclear clusters, 172–174
                           C/A convention, 185, 187–191            central structural unit, 172–174
                           distinguishing enantiomers, 185–193     CEP descriptors, 172–174
                           general considerations, 185          polynuclear compounds, 161–174
                           octahedral species, 189–190             bridging  l igands, 148, 163–165
                           R/S convention, 185–186                 metal–metal bonding, 165–166
                           see-saw species, 1 88                specifying configuration, 179–185
                           skew-lines convention, 185, 191–193     bipyramidal species, 184–185
                           square pyramidal species, 1 88          configuration index, 179–180
                           tetrahedral species, 1 86               distinguishing  d iastereoisomers,
                           trigonal bipyramidal s pecies, 1 87       179–185
                           trigonal pyramidal species, 1 86        general methods, 179–180
                         CIP rules, 44, 180, 194–195               octahedral species, 1 82–183
                         configuration, 149, 174–193                square  p lanar species, 1 80–181
                           general considerations, 174–175         square  p yramidal species, 1 83–184
                           polyhedral s ymbols, 1 75–178           T-shaped species, 1 85
                         configuration index, 33–34, 144,        specifying donor atoms, 154–161
                              179–180                              italicized element s ymbols, 1 55–156
                           priming convention, 195–198          trinuclear species, 1 67–172
                         constitution, 149–174                Coordination nomenclature, 7, 147–148
                         definitions, 144–148                  Coordination number
                         dinuclear species, 1 66–167            in organometallics, 201–202
                           symmetrical, 166                     polyhedral symbols, 176
                           unsymmetrical, 1 66–167            Coordination polyhedra, 145–146, 176–178

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