Page 170 - Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (IUPAC Recommendations 2005)
P. 170
Subject Index
Crystal systems and polymorphism, Dihydrogenphosphate, 128, 137, 307
245–246 Dihydrogenphosphite, 128, 137, 307
Crystalline modification of allotropes, Dinuclear compounds
49–51 non-symmetrical compounds, 114–116,
Crystallographic s hear structures, 244 166–167
Crystallographic s ites, 239–240 symmetrical c ompounds, 1 14–116,
Cyanate, 127, 291 166
Cyanato, 291 Diphosphonate, 129, 307
Cyanic acid, 1 27, 288 Diphosphonic acid, 129
Cyanide, 291 Diphosphoric acid, 129, 133
Cyanido, 138, 291 Disilicate, 128, 333
Cyano Disilicic acid, 128
obsolete l igand name (see cyanido) Disordered t win planes, 244
prefix in substitutive nomenclature, 138, Disulfate, 130, 329
291 Disulfite, 130
Cyanyl, 2 91 Disulfuric acid, 130
Cyclate compounds, 1 21–122 Disulfurous acid, 130
Cycles, in chains a nd rings nomenclature, Dithionate, 130, 329
118–119, 121–122, 129, 134 Dithionic acid, 126, 130
Cyclium compounds, 121 Dithionite, 130, 329
cyclo prefix for monocyclic coordination Dithionous acid, 130
compounds, 1 29, 133, 171–172, 259 Donor a toms
cyclo prefix, 259 position in formulae, 153
for cyclic boron hydrides, 92 specification in coordination
for homonuclear monocyclic parent compounds, 154–161
hydrides, 8 7–88 symbols in names, 155, 161
for saturated rings with alternating symbol placement in formulae, 41
skeletal atoms, 96–98 use of primes, 36–37
Cyclooctatetraene compounds, 227–228 Dots
in formulae, 21, 23, 27–28, 70–75
D of radicals, 66
d (delta), and absolute c onfiguration of to indicate e ffective charge in solids, 27,
chelate ring conformation, 35, 259 240
D (Delta), a nd absolute c onfiguration, 35, in names, 28, 70–75
259 of radicals, 28, 112
Defect clusters, 22, 241
Denticity of ligands, 1 46 E
Deuterium, atomic s ymbol, 48, 249 Effective charge, in solids, 27, 240–241
Deuteron, 48, 298 Electron counting, i n b oron hydride
‘di’ vs. ‘ bis’ as multiplicative prefixes, 37, structures, 90
76, 101, 113, 150–151, 258 Electronegativity, and order of atomic
Diastereoisomers of coordination symbols, 58–59
complexes, 175 Elements, 46–52
and configuration index, 179–180 allotropes, 48–51
Didentate vs. bidentate, 258 atomic n umbers, 248–250
Dihydrogenborate, 127, 1 37 with indefinite molecular formula, 48