Page 165 - Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (IUPAC Recommendations 2005)
P. 165

Subject Index

                         stoichiometric names, 72–75               alphanumeric, 54, 58
                         substitutive names of heteropolyatomic    B vs. C , 6 0
                           anions, 74                              based on electronegativity, 58–59
                         table, 280–336                            Hill order, 54, 60
                       Antimonic  a cid, 129                    tables, 2 48–250
                       Antimonous acid, 129                   Auride, 285
                       Antimony compounds                     Azide, 73, 318
                         names of hydrides, 3 31              Azinic  a cid, 128
                         oxoacids, 129                        Azonic acid, 128
                       Antiphase boundary, 2 44
                       Aqua, 151, 306                         B
                       Aquo, o bsolete ligand name (see aqua)  Bidentate coordination, 146–147
                       Arabic  n umerals                        vs. didentate, 258
                         in formulae, 31–32                     and skew-lines convention, 191–193
                         as locants, 3 2, 38–40               Binary  c ompounds and species
                         in names, 32–34                        charge numbers, 70, 73
                         and number of hydrogen atoms in        element ordering, 42
                           boranes, 90, 99                      formulae, 58–59
                       arachno-boranes, 9 0–93, 99, 259         multiplicative prefixes, 69–70
                       Arsenic acid, 129                        name  c onstruction, 5
                       Arsenic compounds                        oxidation number, 70
                         oxoacids, 129                          separation of components, 30
                         table of names, 282–284                stoichiometric names, 69–70
                       Arsenous  a cid, 129                     table of names, 280–336
                       Arsine, obsolete  n ame  f or arsane, 85 (see  Binuclear (see dinuclear)
                           footnote  e )                      Bipyramidal complexes
                       Arsinic acid, 129                        absolute  c onfiguration, 190–191
                       Arsinous acid, 129                          trigonal s pecies, 1 87
                       Arsonic  a cid, 129                      configuration index, 184–185
                         derivatives, 125–126, 138              specifying configuration, 184–185
                       Arsonous acid, 129                          pentagonal species, 185
                       Arsoric acid, 129                           trigonal s pecies, 1 84
                       Arsorous acid, 129                     ‘bis’ vs. ‘ di’ as multiplicative  p refixes, 37,
                       Assemblies, in chains and rings             76, 101, 113, 150–151, 258
                           nomenclature, 118–119              Bis(bidentate) complexes, skew-lines
                       Asterisks, in formulae, 36                  convention, 191–193
                       Atom names, 46–47                      Bis(tridentate) complexes, stereoisomers
                         of new elements, 47, 250                  and priming convention, 1 95–196
                         tables, 248–250                      Bond  i ndicators, in line formulae,
                       Atomic number, 47–48                        26–27
                         nuclides, 32                         Bonds between  c entral atoms, italicized
                         tables, 248–250                           symbols, 115
                       Atomic symbols, 46–47, 248–250         Boranes  ( see boron hydrides)
                         and isotopic  m  odification, 44, 48  Borate, 127, 285
                         for new elements, 4 7, 250           Boric acid, 127
                         order in formulae, 58–63             Borinic acid, 12

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