Page 163 - Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (IUPAC Recommendations 2005)
P. 163

Subject Index

                       Element names, parent hydride names and systematic names derived using  a ny of the
                       nomenclature systems  d escribed in this  b ook are, with very few exceptions, not included
                       explicitly in this i ndex. If a n ame o r t erm is referred to in several places in the book, only the
                       more informative references may be indexed.

                       A                                           trigonal p rismatic species, 1 90
                       ‘a’ terms                                R/S convention, 185–187
                         element ordering, 42–43                   tetrahedral species, 1 86
                         names of organometallics of group         trigonal p yramidal species, 186
                             13–16 elements, 2 31                  skew-lines convention, 185, 191–193
                         table, 337–339                       Acetylide, 293
                         use with parent hydrides             Acidium, 132 (see footnote d)
                           heteronuclear acyclic  c ompounds,  Acids (see inorganic acids)
                             94–95                            Actinide, 281
                           heteronuclear monocyclic           Actinoids (vs. a ctinides), 51–52,
                             compounds, 9 6–98                     336 (see footnote d)
                           heteronuclear polycyclic compounds,  metallocenes, 227
                             100–101                          Acyclic parent hydrides, 8 6–87, 101
                           homonuclear monocyclic               heteronuclear compounds, 9 4–95
                             compounds, 8 7–89                     chains and rings nomenclature, 95
                           homonuclear polycyclic compounds,    homonuclear compounds, 86–87
                             89                                    with non-standard bonding numbers,
                       Abbreviations of ligand names, 63,            86–87
                           153–154                                 with standard bonding  n umbers, 86
                         construction, 63, 261                Acyclic unsaturated hydrides, 8 7
                         enclosing marks, 21                  Addition compounds, 12
                         table, 261–268                         additive names, 81
                       Absolute configuration of chelate ring    compositional nomenclature, 80–81
                           conformations, 35–36, 191–193, 259   formulae, 12, 56, 62
                       Absolute configuration of coordination       use of centre dots, 2 8
                           compounds, 1 85–198                  hydrates, 80–81
                         C/A convention, 185, 187–191           indication of composition, 27, 31
                           octahedral species, 185, 189–190     names, 12, 80–81
                           pentagonal b ipyramidal species, 1 91  order of components, 41, 80–81
                           see-saw species, 1 88                stoichiometric descriptors, 33, 80–81
                           square pyramidal species, 1 88       stoichiometric ratios, 2 3, 27
                           tetrahedral species, 1 85–186      Additive nomenclature, 5, 7, 111–123
                           trigonal bipyramidal s pecies, 1 87  addition compounds, 81

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