Page 164 - Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (IUPAC Recommendations 2005)
P. 164
Subject Index
and arabic numerals, 38 Pearson notation, 49–51
chains and rings, 7, 118–122 with definite molecular formula, 49
choice of central atoms, 112 with indefinite structure, 5 1
coordination compounds, 1 47–148, 150 solid amorphous m odifications, 5 1
general naming procedure, 1 49, 168 Alphabetical order
general characteristics, 111–112 atomic s ymbols in formulae, 58
heteronuclear chains, 95 central atoms in oxoacids, 125
heteropolyatomic anions, 74–75 ligand names in coordination
heteropolyatomic cations, 71–72 compounds, 150, 168
inorganic a cids, 7, 124, 126–134 ligands
functional replacement derivatives, bridging vs. t erminal, 1 63, 211
139–140 derivatives of parent hydrides, 60
ions and radicals, 112 in formulae, 11, 40–41, 43–44, 153,
radical anions, 10–11 168
ligand representation, 112, 151 in polynuclear compounds, 161–166
mononuclear entities, 113–114, 150 nuclide symbols, 6 4
non-symmetrical dinuclear entities, in salts, 40
116–117, 166–167 Aluminium vs. a luminum, 2 49
oligonuclear compounds, 117–118, Amide, 74, 106, 314
167–174 Amido, 138, 314
order of prefixes, 16–17 Amino, 109, 314
organometallics, 7 Aminyl, 109, 314
of group 1 a nd 2 e lements, 228–230, Ammine, 151, 314
232 Ammonia and derived ions and radicals,
of group 3–12 elements, 201–228, 314
232–233 Ammonio, 314
polynuclear entities, 11, 114–118, Ammonium, 71, 105, 314
161–174 Anion names
order of central atoms, 42, 162 additive names of heteropolyatomic
comparison with substitutive names, anions, 74–75
83–84, 113–118 ‘ate’ forms of element names, 337–339,
for parent hydride derivatives, changed r ecommendations, 8, 10
102–103 compositional names, 8, 72–75
symmetrical dinuclear entities, homopolyatomic a nions, 73–74
114–116, 166 coordination compounds, 162
table of names, 280–336 of elements, 7 2–74
Affixes, 16 homoatomic anions, 336 (see
geometrical, 259 footnote b)
structural, 259 endings, 72
Agostic interactions, 224 of ligands, 10–11, 112, 151–152
Aims of nomenclature, 3–4 oxoacids
Alkali metals, 51 hydrogen names, 137
Alkaline earth metals, 51 simplified names, 137
Allotropes, 48–51 from parent hydrides, 72, 106–108
Bravais lattices, 50 homopolyatomic, 74
crystalline modifications, 49–51 radicals, 10–11, 73–75