Page 166 - Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (IUPAC Recommendations 2005)
P. 166

Subject Index

                       Boron compounds                           coordination compounds, 148
                         order of components of addition           polynuclear species, 1 63–165
                           compounds, 1 2, 81                    hydrogen in boranes, 28, 35, 93–94
                         oxoacids, 127, 137                        heteroboranes, 9 9–100
                         table of names, 285                       substitution, 104–105
                       Boron hydrides                            in organometallic compounds, 2 03,
                         bridging h ydrogen atom distribution, 28,   211–212
                             35, 93–94                             bridge index, 43–44, 208–209
                           heteroboranes, 99–100                   vs. c helation, 203, 208–209
                         catena prefix for chains, 91–92          position in names, 25
                         common structure types, 90              in symmetrical d inuclear entities,
                           arachno, 9 0–93, 99, 259                115–116
                           closo, 9 0–92, 99–100, 259            use of m symbol, 36, 163, 259
                           hypho, 9 0, 259                         multiplicity, 32–33
                           klado, 9 0, 99–100                 Bromic acid, 131, 287
                           nido, 9 0–94, 99–100, 259          Bromide, 287
                           relationships, 90–92               Bromido, 138, 287
                         cyclic compounds, 92                 Bromine compounds and species, n ames,
                           cyclo prefix, 92                         287, 298, 319–321
                           Hantzsch–Widman system, 9 2        Bromo
                         electron counting in clusters, 90       obsolete ligand name  ( see bromido)
                         hydrogen substitution, 104–105          prefix in substitutive nomenclature, 101,
                         indicated hydrogen, 35, 93–94             138, 287
                         number of boron atoms, 89            Bromous acid, 131, 287
                         number of hydrogen atoms, 34, 90
                           in heteroboranes, 99               C
                         numbering polyhedral clusters, 92–93  C/A convention and absolute configuration,
                           closo vs. nido, 9 2                     185, 187–191
                         order of symbols in carbaboranes, 60    bipyramidal complexes, 190–191
                         positions of supplanting heteroatoms,     pentagonal species, 191
                           99–100                                  trigonal s pecies, 1 87
                         replacement nomenclature, 99            general considerations, 187
                         skeletal replacement, 98–100            octahedral complexes, 189–190
                         stoichiometric names, 89–90               polydentate ligands, 1 90
                         structural d escriptor names, 90–92       priming convention, 190
                         substituent g roups, 1 04–105           see-saw centres, 188
                       Boronic  a cid, 127                       square  p yramidal complexes, 188
                       Braces, in formulae and names, 24         trigonal p rismatic complexes, 190
                       Bravais lattice, and allotrope names, 50  Caesium vs. cesium, 249
                       Bridging index, 43–44                  Cahn, Ingold, Prelog (CIP) rules for
                         organometallic compounds, 208–209         coordination compounds, 44, 180,
                         polynuclear coordination compounds,          194–195
                           148, 163–165                          octahedral species, 1 89
                       Bridging ligands                          trigonal p rismatic species, 1 90
                         citation vs. t erminal ligands, 4 3–44,  Carbaboranes, 99–100
                           163–164                               order of B  a nd C  i n  f ormulae, 60

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