Page 171 - Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (IUPAC Recommendations 2005)
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Subject Index

                         isotopes, 48                         Enclosing marks
                         names, 46–47, 248–250, 280–336,        for abbreviations, 21
                           337–339                              changed  r ecommendations, 12
                         naming procedure, 46                   and Z convention, 216–217
                         nuclides, 47–48                        in formulae, 18–22, 24, 55–56
                           atomic number, 47–48                    of coordination entities, 153
                           charge, 47–48                           structural, 55–56
                           mass number, 47–48                   in hydrogen names, 24
                         periodic table, 51–52                  to indicate  s ite symmetry in solids, 240
                           groups, 51–52                        for ligand names, 113, 150–151, 153,
                         stoichiometric names, 69–74               336 (see footnote  c )
                           anions, 72–74                        in names, 19–20, 22–24
                           cations, 70–71                       nesting order, 17, 2 4, 55, 150, 153
                         symbols, 4 6–47, 248–250               for oxidation number, 23
                           new elements, 4 7                  Endings, 16
                         tables                                 for anion  n ames, 72, 112
                           atomic numbers, 2 48–249             for Hantzsch–Widman names, 96
                           names, 248–250, 280–336, 337–339     tables, 2 51–257
                           symbols, 2 48–250                  Eta (Z) c onvention, 32, 35, 259
                         temporary names and symbols, 4 7, 250  and agostic interactions, 224
                       Element order                            for coordination compounds, 155
                         and ‘a’ terms, 4 2–43                  enclosing marks, 216–217
                         on basis  o f  p eriodic table, 10, 42–43,  and k convention, 161, 202, 216–217,
                           260                                     221–223, 232
                         binary compounds, 42                   for ligands without carbon atoms,
                         central atoms of polynuclear                223–224
                           compounds, 1 0, 42                      dihydrogen, 224
                         in chains and rings, 42                for organometallic compounds, 2 02,
                         changed recommendations, 10                 216–225
                         in Hantzsch–Widman names, 42              use with k convention, 202, 216,
                         in intermetallic compounds, 10              221–223, 232
                         oxygen vs. h alogens, 10,                 use of locants, 220–221
                           336 (see footnote f )              Ewens–Bassettnumber(seechargenumber)
                         symbols in formulae, 58–63           Excited states, 36
                       Element sequence table, 260              formulae, 67
                       Elisions, 31, 69
                       ‘Em’ dashes                            F
                         in formulae of addition compounds,   fac prefix, 179
                           80–81                                and octahedral geometry, 182–183
                         in formulae and names, 26            Ferrocene, 225–227
                         and metal–metal bonds, 148, 165–166,  Ferrocenium, 2 27
                           212                                Flowcharts
                       Empirical formulae, 54                   general guidelines for naming
                       Enantiomers, of coordination compounds,     compounds, 8–9
                           175                                  for naming coordination compounds,
                         absolute  c onfiguration, 185–193          149–150

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