Page 172 - Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (IUPAC Recommendations 2005)
P. 172
Subject Index
Fluoride, 2 97 locants
Fluorido, 1 38, 297 arabic numerals, 32, 38–40
Fluoro letters, 40
obsolete l igand name (see fluorido) molecular formulae, 54
prefix in substitutive nomenclature, 138 multiplicative prefixes, 37
Formulae, 53–67 non-stoichiometric phases, 236
addition compounds, 12, 56, 62 optically active compounds, 66
alphabetical order, 40–41 order of ligands, 1 1
arabic numerals, 31–32 order of symbols, 58–63
asterisks, 3 6 alphanumeric, 54, 58
binary species, 58–59 B vs. C , 6 0
bond indicators, 26–27 electronegativity, 58–59
braces, 24 Hill order, 54, 60
chain compounds, 6 1 oxidation states, 34, 6 5–66
commas, 29 oxoacids, 61
of coordination compounds, 5 9–61, parentheses, 20–22
153–154 plus and minus signs, 25–26
construction, 59 primes, 36–37
dinuclear species, 1 53 radicals, 66
use of dots, 66
donor atom symbols, 1 55
semicolons, 30
order of bridging a nd terminal
ligands, 1 63–164 solid state structures, 56–57
square b rackets, 18–19
order of ligands and central atoms,
structural formulae, 55–56
descriptors, 67
position of donor atoms, 153
of ligands, 261–268
sequence of symbols, 153
Four-coordination, 175–176
dots, 27–28, 66, 70–75
idealized geometries, 179
‘em’ dashes, 26
Fulminate, 2 91
metal–metal bonds, 148, 165–166,
Fulminic acid, 1 32 (see footnote b )
Functional r eplacement nomenclature, 84
empirical f ormulae, 54
derivatives of oxoacids, 126, 137–140
enclosing m arks, 18–22, 24, 55–56, 153
operations, 138
nesting order, 1 7
Fusion of monocycles in polycyclic parent
excited states, 6 7
generalized salts, 61–62
heteronuclear names, 100–101
Greek letters, 35–36
homonuclear names, 89
hyphens, 2 4–25
numbering when substituent g roups,
and ionic charge, 57–58, 153–154
isotopic labelling, 64–65
selective, 6 5 G
specific, 64–65 Generalized salts, order of ions in
isotopic substitution, 64 formulae, 61–62
isotopically modified compounds, 6 4–65 Generalized stoichiometric names, 69,
italic letters, 35 75–80
ligand abbreviations, 63 multiple m onoatomic vs.
ligand order, 4 0–41, 43–44 homopolyatomic c onstituents, 78–80