Page 175 - Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (IUPAC Recommendations 2005)
P. 175

Subject Index

                         from parent hydrides, 1 05–108            use of superscripts, 156–158
                           radicals, 109–110                    in non-symmetrical dinuclear
                         proportion in coordination compounds,     compounds, 116–117
                           152–153                              for organometallics, 202, 210–211
                         table of names, 280–336                   bridging  l igands, 211–212
                       Isocyanic  a cid, 1 27, 288                 and Z convention, 161, 202,
                       Isofulminic acid, 132 (see footnote b)         216–217, 221–223, 232
                       Isoselenocyanic acid, 290                   polynuclear compounds, 211
                       Isothiocyanic acid, 140, 289             and polynuclear entities, 11
                       Isotopes of hydrogen, 48, 249 (see     klado-boranes, 90, 9 9–100
                           footnote  f ), 298                 Kro ¨ger–Vink notation, 2 38–241
                       Isotopic m  odification, and atomic s ymbols,  complex defect clusters, 22
                           44, 48                               crystallographic sites, 239–240
                       Isotopically labelled compounds          in defect clusters, 241
                         formulae, 64–65                        indication of charge, 240–241
                         order of nuclide symbols, 44, 64          effective charge, 27, 240–241
                         separation of labelled atoms, 29          use of primes, 37
                         use of enclosing marks, 19–20, 24      quasi-chemical r eactions, 238, 239,
                       Isotopically substituted compounds,         241
                           formulae, 64                         site occupancy, 239
                       Italic letters, 34
                         geometrical and structural affixes,   L
                           259                                l (lambda)
                         as locants in names, 35                absolute  c onfiguration of chelate  r ing
                         and nomenclature of solids                conformation, 36, 259
                           to designate  c rystal system, 2 46  convention for non-standard bonding
                           generic mineral names, 237              numbers, 33, 38, 8 4, 98, 259
                           indication of site occupancy, 239       and group 13–16 organometallics,
                           Pearson symbols, 2 42                     230
                       Italicized element symbols                  mononuclear acyclic p arent hydrides,
                         to denote ligating atoms, 155, 210          86–87, 101
                         for bonds between  c entral atoms,   L (Lambda), and absolute configuration,
                              115                                  36, 259
                           metal–metal bonds, 165–166,        Lanthanide, 311
                             212                              Lanthanoids (vs. l anthanides), 51–52,
                                                                   336 (see footnote d)
                       K                                        metallocenes, 227
                       Kalide, obsolete  n ame  ( see potasside)  Lattice parameters, and allotrope
                       Kappa (k) c onvention, 36, 259              symbols, 51
                         and coordination compounds, 145,     Ligand  n ames for organometallic
                              154–161                              compounds, 203
                           order of symbols, 1 55               acceptable alternatives, 205–206, 208,
                           polynuclear species, 1 1, 162–165       214, 217–218
                           tridentate chelation, 156–157        as anions, 203, 205–208
                           use with m symbol, 164               bridging  l igands, 211–212
                           use of primes, 156, 159–160             vs. m  ultiple bonding, 208–209

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