Page 176 - Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (IUPAC Recommendations 2005)
P. 176
Subject Index
chelating ligands, 209–210 priority numbers, 144, 193–195
k convention, 2 10–211 representation i n n ames, 112, 151–152
with metal–carbon multiple bonds, enclosing marks, 113
213–215 structural formulae, 269–279
with several single metal–carbon bonds, unsaturated molecules or groups,
207–212 215–225
bridge vs. t erminal bonding, 208–209 table, 217–218
with single metal–carbon bonds, Locants
205–206 for anions derived from parent hydrides
as substituent g roups, 2 03–208 by hydride addition, 107
tables of names, 205–206, 208, 214, by hydron loss, 1 06–107
217–218 arabic numerals, 32, 38–40
unsaturated molecules or groups, in boron hydrides, t o i ndicate
215–225 supplanting heteroatoms, 99–100
as anions, 217–218 for cations derived from parent hydrides
as neutral ligands, 2 17–218 by hydride loss, 105–106
Ligands, 145 by hydron addition, 105–106
abbreviations of names, 63, 153–154, substitution, 106
261–268 for central atoms in polynuclear
construction, 63, 261 compounds, 28, 164–174, 211–212
use of enclosing marks, 21 in central structural unit, 173
bridging m ultiplicity, 32–33, 42–43 in clusters, 173–174
citation o f b ridging vs. t erminal ligands, trinuclear and larger species, 1 67–172
43–44, 163–164 unsymmetrical d inuclear species, 167
forming metal–carbon multiple bonds, in chains and rings nomenclature, 119
213–215 and Z convention, 220–221
table, 214 for heteroatoms
forming one metal–carbon single bond, in acyclic parent hydrides, 9 4
203–207 in group 13–16 organometallics, 231
table, 205–206 in ionic radicals, 109–110
forming several metal–carbon single in k convention, 157, 159
bonds, 207–212 letters, 40
table, 208 italicized capitals, 35
names for ligand donor atoms, 156
of anions, 10–11, 112, 151–152 and point of ligation, 159, 163, 213
enclosing m arks, 113, 150–151, 153, for ligands forming several
336 (see footnote c) metal–carbon bonds, 207
and sites of substitution, 36–37 for metal–metal bonds, 165–166
table, 280–336 in parent hydride substitutive names,
order in polynuclear compounds, 1 61 102–104
in formulae, 162 derived radicals, 108–109
ordering derived substituent groups, 1 08–109,
in additive names, 41, 43–44, 204
150–151, 168 position of substituent g roups,
with central atoms, 7, 113 102–103
in formulae, 11, 4 0–41, 4 3–44, 1 53, 1 68 position of unsaturation, 87