Page 180 - Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (IUPAC Recommendations 2005)
P. 180

Subject Index

                           alphanumeric, 54, 58                  of ligands in formulae, 11, 40–41,
                           B vs. C  , 6 0                          43–44, 153, 168
                           based on electronegativity, 58–59     of ligands in polynuclear compounds,
                           oxygen vs. halogens, 10, 336 (see          161, 163–165
                              footnote  f )                        bridging vs. t erminal, 1 63–164
                         based on periodic  t able, 10, 42–43, 260  of modifications to parent hydride
                         of bridging vs. t erminal ligands, 2 11   names, 109–110
                         of central atoms                        of multiple bridging  l igands, 1 63–164
                           in additive names, 112                parent hydrides, 4 3
                           in dinuclear complexes, 166           prefixes
                           and ligands in formulae, 153            in additive names, 16–17
                           and ligands in names, 113, 150          in substitutive names, 16–17, 101
                           in metal–metal bonds, 165–166         punctuation marks, 44
                           in non-symmetrical compounds, 116     stereochemistry, 4 4
                           in oxoacids, 125                        CIP rules, 44
                           in polynuclear complexes, 42,         in substitutive names, 43
                              168–169                            of symbols within formulae, 153
                           in polynuclear organometallics,    Organometallic compounds, 200–234
                              232–233                            with bridging ligands, 2 03, 211–212
                         chains and rings nomenclature, skeletal  connectivity, 201–203, 216
                           atoms, 41                             group 1  a nd 2  e lements, 228–230, 232
                         characteristic groups, 4 3                aggregates, 229
                         components i n  a ddition compounds, 4 1,  group 3–12 elements, 201–228,
                              80–81                                232–233
                           of boron, 12, 4 1                     group 13–16 elements, 228, 230–232
                         components  i n  s alts, 40, 44           with atoms of groups 1–12, 232–233
                         in compositional names, 41, 121           order of central atoms, 233
                         constituents in stoichiometric names, 6,  with metal–carbon multiple  b onds,
                           75–76                                   213–215
                         of elements                             metallocenes, 225–228
                           in binary compounds, 4 2              oxidation number, 203
                           in Hantzsch–Widman names, 42          polynuclear compounds, 232–233
                           in metal–metal bonds, 212             with several single metal–carbon bonds,
                           in polynuclear compounds, 162              207–212
                           in stoichiometric names, 69             bridge vs. t erminal bonding, 2 08–209
                         and enclosing marks, 17, 24               bridging ligands, 2 11–212
                         of heteroatoms, in Hantzsch–Widman        chelation, 209–210
                           names of parent hydrides, 96            k convention, 210–211
                         of ions in generalized salts, 61–62       metal–metal bonding, 212
                         and isotopic  l abelling, 44, 64          m convention, 208–209
                           nuclide symbols, 44, 64               with single metal–carbon bonds,
                         of k symbols, 1 55                           203–207
                         of ligand names, 149                      ligand names, 203–206
                         of ligands in additive names, 41, 43–44,  with unsaturated molecules or groups,
                           150, 168                                215–225
                           and derivatives of parent hydrides, 60  Orthoboric  a cid, 132 (see footnote a)

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