Page 185 - Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (IUPAC Recommendations 2005)
P. 185
Subject Index
homonuclear polycyclic compounds, heteronuclear polycyclic parent
89 hydrides, 1 00–101
von Baeyer notation homonuclear polycyclic parent
heteronuclear polycyclic parent hydrides, 8 9
hydrides, 1 00–101 in substitutive nomenclature, 6
homonuclear polycyclic parent Skew-lines convention, 185, 191–193
hydrides, 8 9 cis-bis(bidentate) complexes, 191–193
Roman numerals, in formulae and names, conformation of chelate r ings, 193
34 tris(bidentate) c omplexes, 191–192
Ruthenocene, 225 Sodide, 318
Solids, 235–247
S allotropes
Salts, order of ions, 40 amorphous modifications, 51
Sandwich structure, 2 25 crystalline modifications, 49–51
See-saw complexes antiphase boundary, 244
absolute c onfiguration, and C/A chemical composition, 237–238
convention, 188 approximate formulae, 237
specifying configuration, 185 chemical twinning, 244–245
Selective isotopic labelling, 64–65 commensurate structures, 242–243
Selenate, 130, 332 crystal type, 2 2
Selenic acid, 130 crystallographic shear structures, 244
Seleninic acid, 130 defect clusters, 22, 241
Selenite, 130, 332 effective charge, 27, 240–241
Selenium oxoacids, 130 enclosing marks and site symbols, 1 9, 21
Seleno, 138 formulae, 56–57
Selenocyanate, 292 homologous compounds, 243–244
Selenocyanic acid, 290 infinitely adaptive s tructures, 245
Selenonic a cid, 130 insertion, 245
Selenous acid, 130 topochemical, 245
Semicolons topotactic, 245
in formulae, 30 interstitial sites, 239
selectively labelled compounds, 6 5 intercalation compounds, 2 45
in names, 29 Kro ¨ger–Vink notation, 238–241
Shear structures, 244 crystallographic sites, 239–240
Silicate, 1 27, 333 defect clusters, 241
Silicic acid, 127 indication of charge, 27, 240–241
Silicon, table of compound names, quasi-chemical r eactions, 238–239,
332–333 241
Site occupancy, solids, 239–240 site occupancy, 239
Skeletal a toms, positions in mineral names, 237
Hantzsch–Widman names, 38–39 misfit structures, 243
Skeletal r eplacement nomenclature, 6, 84 mixtures, 236
boron hydrides, 9 8–100 modulated structures, 242–243
and group 13–16 organometallics, 231 non-commensurate structures, 242–243
heteronuclear acyclic p arent hydrides, non-stoichiometric phases, 236,
94–95 242–245