Page 187 - Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (IUPAC Recommendations 2005)
P. 187

Subject Index

                           hydrogen substitution, 104–105       names, 30, 327–330
                           numbering of clusters, 92–93            oxides, 327–330
                           skeletal replacement, 98–100       Sulfuric acid, 129
                           stoichiometric names, 89–90        Sulfurous acid, 129
                           structural d escriptor names,      Sulfuryl, 140, 327
                             90–92                            Superoxide, 7 3, 320
                         for group 13–16 organometallics,     Superscripts
                           230–233                              charge, 47
                         heteropolyatomic anions, 74            to indicate  m  ass number, 32, 47
                         heteropolyatomic cations, 71–72      Symbols for elements, 46–47, 248–250
                           numbering of multiple bonds, 87    Symmetrical dinuclear compounds,
                         name construction, 84                     additive names, 114–116
                         order                                Systems of nomenclature, 5–8
                           of characteristic groups, 4 3        choice of system, 7 –8
                           of functional groups, 43
                           of prefixes, 16–17, 101             T
                         oxoacids, 125–126                    T-shaped complexes, specifying
                         parent hydride names, 83–110              configuration, 185
                           derivatives, 101–104               Tautomers
                           ions, 105–108                        of heteronuclear m  onocyclic
                           heteronuclear compounds, 94–98,         compounds, 96
                             100–101                            and hydrogen names, 135
                           homonuclear compounds, 8 4–89      Tellurate, 130, 334
                           radicals, 105, 108–110             Telluric  a cid, 130
                         subtractive operations, 7            Tellurinic acid, 130
                         suffixes and prefixes, 101–104         Tellurium oxoacids, 130
                         table of ‘a’ terms, 3 37–339         Telluro, 1 38
                         table of names, 280–336              Telluronic acid, 130
                       Suffixes,                               Tellurous acid, 130
                         in name construction, 5              Terminal ligands, c itation vs. b ridging
                         in substitutive names of parent hydride   ligands, 4 3–44, 163–164
                           derivatives, 101–104               Tetradentate ligands, d iastereoisomeric
                         table, 251–257                            compounds, 179
                       Sulfamic acid, 140                     ‘tetra’ vs. ‘tetrakis’, 37, 150–151, 258
                       Sulfate, 1 29, 328                     Tetrahedral complexes, absolute
                       Sulfenic  a cid, 132 (see footnote k)       configurationand R/Sconvention,185
                       Sulfido, 327                            Tetrathionate, 330
                       Sulfinic acid, 130                      Tetrathionic acid, 126, 130, 132 (see
                       Sulfinyl, 327                                footnote  m  )
                       Sulfite, 130, 328                       Thio
                       Sulfonic acid, 129                       infix or prefix in functional replacement
                       Sulfonyl, 3 27                              names, 138, 249 (see footnote  n )
                       Sulfoxylic acid, 132 (see footnote k)    obsolete ligand name (see sulfido)
                       Sulfur compounds                       Thiocyanate, 292
                         oxoacids, 126, 129–130, 133, 137     Thiocyanic acid, 140, 289
                           derivatives, 139–140               Thionyl, 140, 327

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