Page 183 - Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (IUPAC Recommendations 2005)
P. 183
Subject Index
Phosphoric acid derivatives, 125 order of ligands, 1 61, 163–165
Phosphorous acid, 128 bridging vs. t erminal, 1 63–164
Phosphorus compounds organometallics
oxoacids, 128–129, 133–134, 137 metal–metal bonds, 212
derivatives, 139 order of central atoms, 232–233
names, 301–304, 322–326 Polyoxometallates, 40
Phosphoryl, 139, 324 Potasside, 311
Plus signs i n f ormulae and names, 25–26 Potassium oxides, names, 311
Pnictogens (vs. p nicogens), 51–52 Prefix nomenclature, for metallocenes,
Point defect notation (see Kro ¨ger–Vink 225–226
notation), 238–241 Prefixes ( see also m ultiplicative prefixes),
Polycyclic parent hydrides 16, 251–257
heteronuclear compounds, 100–101 in additive names, 16–17
homonuclear compounds, 8 9 in functional replacement nomenclature,
Polyhedral symbols for coordination 138, 140
compounds, 3 3–34, 144, 175–179 geometrical, 34
choice between r elated geometries, 179 ligands in coordination entity, 112,
geometrical structures, 177–178 150–151
idealized g eometries, 176, 179 structural, 34
octahedral species, 182–183 in substitutive names of parent hydride
square planar species, 1 80–181 derivatives, 101–104
table, 176 Primes
Polymers for configuration index and polydentate
formulae, use of strike-through ligands, 1 80
parentheses, 56, 61 in formulae and names, 36–37
repeat units and enclosing marks, 22 to indicate effective charge i n s olids, 240
Polymorphs, 245–246 and indication of donor atom symbols,
elements, 4 9 156
formulae, 56–57 and ligand donor atoms, 159
Polynuclear compounds use in k convention, 156, 159–160
additive names, 11, 114–118 for organometallic compounds,
atom order in additive names, 42 210–211
central atom locants, 2 8, 164–174, Priming convention, 194
211–212 C/A assignment for polydentate ligands,
CEP descriptors, 37 190
coordination compounds, 161–174 and configuration index, 195–198
bridging l igands, 1 48, 163–165 for stereoisomers, 195–198
general naming procedure, 1 68 bis(tridentate) c omplexes, 195–196
k convention, 11, 162–165 with hexadentate ligands, 1 97
metal–metal bonding, 165–166 with linear tetradentate ligands, 1 96
numbering central atoms, 39 in non-octahedral s tructures,
symmetrical central structural units, 197–198
172–174 with pentadentate ligands, 1 97
element sequence, 10–11 Priority
hydrogen names of oxoacids, 135 of atoms in non-symmetrical dinuclear
indication of metal–metal bonds, 23, 26 compounds, 116–117