Page 159 - Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (IUPAC Recommendations 2005)
P. 159

T A B L E S                                                     TABLE IX

                        americide,  toichiometric  adding  form,  e.g.  anions,  If  oxide.  ‘(general)’.  For  enclosed.  because  ‘nitrido’  can  number  if  used  be  desirable.  Np,  U,  Pa,  ection  S  (cf.  37–  4  72,  additive  which  most  the  iodine,  and  additive  to  the  of  because  nd  a  oxidochlorate(1 ),

                        (argentide,  s  of  a  modified  specific  chloride,  qualifier  be  always  enclosed  be  names,  ligand  harge  c  may  are  Th,  Ac,  Lu  Yb,  Chem.,  Appl.  coordination-type  ‘dioxidanido’),  selecting  on  bromine  and  IR-5.2)  However,  trioxidohalogenate(1 )  etc.

                        ‘ide’  construction  this  some  of  arsenide,  the  with  must  must  it  separate  with  a  ‘[dioxido( * 1 )]’  implications  elements  Tm,  Er,  Pure  ligand  here  here  chlorine,  ection  names  *   ,  HOCl

                        ending  the  using  names  e.g.  column,  names  prefix  two  here  name  such  the  for  Ho,  Dy,  Koppenol,  the  the  based  named  is  S  (cf.  halide.  the  additive  HOCl,

                        the  in  of  name,  as  it  given  no  name  Tb,  example,  (meaning  are  *    elements  than  the  to
                        with  constituent  constructed  Table  short  fourth  ligand  ultiplicative  names  ligand  if  used  Gd,  W.H.  For  compounds  NCSSCN  the  chloride  rather dioxidohalogenate(1 ),  apply
                        modified  also  the  in  accepted  an  the  in  entry  Some  m  with  a  interpreting  ligand  the  example,  be  can  collective  the  Eu,  Sm,  Pm,  Radicals’’,  lifted.  been  ‘hydridodioxido’  e.g.  and  oxygen  dioxygen  oxygen  structure),  the  remarks

                        appropriately  electronegative  are question  given  are  as  itself  first  the  IR-  ection  combined  avoid  to  enclosed  the  that  Note  For  ligand.  ‘(dioxido)’  as  used  be  Nd,  Pr,  Inorganic  has  element  in  as  dinuclear  of  IR-7.1.2),  of  order  as  such  names  of selection  namely  I),  in  position  Similar

                        name  an  as  in  element  Examples  form  ‘ide’  as  given  S  cf.  if  ligands;  be  clarity.  the  of  name  should  Ce,  La,  for  ‘‘ Names  other  such  names,  names  Section  in  the  VI,  the  Br, (X ¼ Cl,  central  names.

                        element  appears  the  IR-  the  has  is  ambiguity,  ‘oxido’  always  of  sake  charge  ligand  the  ‘actinoid’  elements  in  one  only  ligand  additive  described  Table  stoichiometric  dictate  the  ‘oxygenate’

                        the  element  of  anion  modification  avoid  two  must  the  the  whereas  the  for  given  and  of  Thirdly,  in  IR-7.1.2)  O 4    X  has  it
                        gives  the  consisting  to  articular  further  to  from  for  regarding  Therefore,  name  those  hydrogen  here.  principles  sequence  binary  to  (Section  O 3   ,  X  because  systematic

                        column  when  IR-  p  a  no  necessary  it  ‘nitridocarbonato’  omitted  dioxide( * 1 ),  ion.  ollective  from  of  concatenation  general  element  applies  O 2   ,  atom  the  to

                        fourth  used  anions  (Sections  cases,  with  distinguish  as  are  marks  implication  egative  c  a  differ  consisting  Secondly,  recommended  the ‘bis(nitridosulfidocarbonate)(S—S)( * 1 )’.  the  This  atoms  X  OX   ,  central  alternatives

                        the  generally  homoatomic  certain  name  whenever  to  as  such  any  species  n  a  as  sometimes  not  (see  to  names.  central  series  the
                        column,  is  applicable  In  element  marks  so  enclosed  name  enclosing  make  to  the  be  indicates  ‘lanthanoid’  radicals  ‘-boride’).  is  atoms  selecting  the  as  acceptable

                        first  name  of  as  dioxide(2 ).  the  of  enclosing  igand  l  these  desired  to  and  recommendations  anion  (not  nomenclature,  central  recommendations  traditional  for  of  chosen
                        the  element  Names  numbers  be  A  ligand  ‘lanthanide’  Lr,  of  as  than  to  rules  members  is  re  a
                        in         form  within  must  it  itself.  however,  not  is  the  No,  status  molecule  rather  these  relative  the  halogen
                        occurs  the  of  IR-5.4).  charge  oxide(2 ),  ‘ide’  the  is  as  prefix  it  if  consider  and  Md,  present  exceptional  ‘trihydridoborate( * 1 )’  additive  in  where  three  the  oxidoiodate(1 )

                        symbol  form  ‘ide’  and  and  chloride(1 ),  named,  placed  be  cited  is  ultiplicative  table,  this  without  to  ‘actinide’  Fm,  Es,  the  in  the  in  used  the  in  adherence  reversed  last  the  (  nd

                        element  The  IR-5.2  prefixes  are  must  ‘dioxido’  m  In  used  be  explicitly  in  ‘ide’  Cf,  Bk,  names  Firstly,  *   is  never  atoms ‘bis[cyanidosulfur](S—S)( * 1 )’  strict  been  has  hypohalites,  for  a

                        an  etc.).  (Sections  anions  names  if  with  a  ‘carbonato’.  also  wishes  ending  Cm,  radical  (2000).  BH 3  placed  the  to  the  for  names tetraoxidohalogenate(1 )  oxidobromate(1 )
                        Where  ferride,  name  multiplicative  arsenide(3 ),  specific  Ligand  example,  starts  generally  The  Am,  IR-3.5).  The  of  name  otherwise  centrally  Due  respectively,  names  additive

                       b            c    it  and  one  d  Pu,  e  446  is  f

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