Page 158 - Nomenclature of Inorganic Chemistry (IUPAC Recommendations 2005)
P. 158

TABLE IX                                                         T A B L E S

                                                                                   used  cations  IR-  unmodified

                                                                                   is  homoatomic  to  the
                                                                                   name  of  IR-  cases,  such

                         titanido  thallido  thulido  uranido  vanadido  tungstido  xenonido  yttrido  ytterbido  zincido  zirconido  unmodified  Names  (Sections  In

                                                                                   The  IR-5.4).  applicable  dimercury(2þ).
                                                                                   columns.  and  IR-5.2  as

                                                                                   third  numbers  mercury(2þ),
                                                                                   and  (Sections
                                                                                   second  name  charge  and

                         titanide  thallide  thulide  uranide  vanadide  tungstide  xenonide  yttride  ytterbide  zincide  zirconide  the  in  prefixes  gold(3þ);

                                                                                   listed  toichiometric  gold(1þ),

                                                                                   is  name  s  of  a  multiplicative  as
                           xidotitanium(2þ)  ioxidouranium(1þ)  ioxidouranium(2þ)  xidovanadium(2þ)  ioxidovanadium(1þ)  xidozirconium(2þ)  element  construction  adding  such  names,

                         titanium  o  TiO 2þ ,  thallium  thulium  uranium  d  UO 2 þ ,  uranyl(1þ)]  [not  d  UO 2 2þ ,  uranyl(2þ)]  [not  vanadium  o  VO 2þ ,  vanadyl)  (not  d  VO 2 þ ,  tungsten  xenon  yttrium  ytterbium  zinc  zirconium  o  ZrO 2þ ,  unmodified  the  the  in constituent  name,  element  cation  specific

                                    hydride                                        column,  first  the  using  of  Table  ‘(general)’.

                           oxide  trihydride  (parent  trihydridothallium  dioxide  oxide,  mon(o)oxide  oxide,  oxide  the  in  electropositive  constructed  the  in  given  qualifier

                           titanium(II)  hallanyl  hallium  thallane  ranium  vanadium(II)  anadium(IV)  dioxide  zirconium(II)  occurs  an  as  also  are  the

                         titanium  TiO,  thallium  t   TlH 2 ,  t  TlH 3 ,  [TlH 3 ],  name),  thulium  ranium  u  UO 2 ,  anadium  VO,  vanadium  v  VO 2 ,  vanadium  ungsten  xenon  ttrium  ytterbium  zinc  zirconium  ZrO,  symbol  appears  are  element  examples  with

                                                                                   element  element  the  cases,  appears

                                                                                   an  the  of  selected  name

                         Ti  TiO  Tl  TlH 2  TlH 3  Tm  UO 2  VO  VO 2  Xe  Yb  Zn  Zr  ZrO  Where  when  consisting  In  element
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