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positive results were found for five out of six
(83.33%) untreated cases and 11 out of 24 305 ULLAH, M.A.; HAQUE, A.K.M.E.
(45.83%) treated cases. Positive results for PML- (Dept. of Community Medicine, Rajshahi Medical
RARα were found for 12 out of 14 (85.70%) College, Rajshahi); BARMAN, A. (Dept. of
untreated cases and 11 out of 16 (68.75%) treated Medical Education, University of Sains Maslaysia,
cases. A strong positive correlation was found Kelantan, Malaysia) & SIDDIQUE, M.A.
between duration of treatment and negativity of (Dept. of Microbiology, Rajshahi Medical College,
PCR results in both the cases. In present times, the Rajshahi). Prevalence of asymptomatic bacteriuria
detection of minimal residual disease in patients and its consequences in pregnancy in a rural
undergoing treatment for hematological community of Bangladesh. Bang. Med. Res.Counc.
malignancies has become an important goal, not Bull., 2007, 33 (2), 60-64 .
only to monitor the effectiveness of therapy but
also to detect an impending relapse. This is the first This was a cross-sectional followed by cohort type
time in Bangladesh that rt-PCR method is being of study conducted among the pregnant mothers of
employed to detect or monitor the presence of second trimester in the rural areas of Rajshahi
abnormal fusion genes in hematological district. Initially 1800 pregnant mothers of second
malignancies. trimester were selected from 18 unions applying 2-
stage random sampling. A total of 216 pregnant
304 SULTANA, Y.; KHANUM, H.(Dept. of mothers with asymptomatic bacteriuria were paired
Zoology, Dhaka University, Dhaka) & HAQUE, among the rest of the healthy pregnant mothers
R.(Laboratory Sciences Division, International (without bacteriuria) on the basis of age, gravida
Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, and economic status for cohort study to relate
Bangladesh (ICDD, B), Dhaka).COMPARATIVE asymptomatic bacteriuria with the incidence of
STUDY OF GAL/GALNAC LECTIN AND symptomatin bacteriuria, hypertensive disorders in
CARBOHYDRATE RECOGNITION DOMAIN pregnancy (HDP) and pre-term delivery. The
ANTIGEN IN RESPONSE TO ENTAMOEBA matched paired pregnant mothers were followed
HISTOLYTICA INFECTION AMONG THE monthly interval up to delivery. The prevalence of
PRESCHOOL CHILDREN IN BANGLADESH. asymptomatic bacteriuria was 12% among the
Bang. J. Zool., 2007, 35 (1), 33-38. pregnant mothers in rural Rajshahi. E. Coli was the
commonest causative agent of both asymptomatic
Entamoeba histolytica galactose-inhibitable and symptomatic bacteriuria. The results of this
adherence lectin and Carbohydrate Recognition study suggest that asymptomatic bactcrinria were
Domain (CRD) by antibodies were studied by more prone to develop symptomatic bactcriuria,
using the sera obtained from the children in hypertensive disorders in pregnancy and pre-term
Mirpur, Dhaka.The prevalence of E. histolytica delivery than that of the healthy mothers (without
infection was assayed by using an enzyme-linked bacteriuria). Screening of bacteriuria in pregnancy
immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Sera from a total and proper treatment must be considered as an
of 1164 children of age ranging from two to five essential part of antenatal care in this rural
years of the urban slum of Dhaka were examined community.
for anti-Gal/Gal NAc lectin and anti delta (CRD)
antibodies. The overall seropositivity was 14.6% 306 WAHID, M.A.N. (Dept. of Urology, Sir
for anti-lectin and 4.6% for anti-delta antibodies. Salimullah Medical College & Mitford Hospital,
13.9% of male and 15.6% of female were positive Dhaka) SALAM, M.A. & HOSSAIN,
to lectin antigen, whereas 4.6% of male and 4.5% A.Z.M.Z. (Dept. of Urology, Dhaka Medical
of female were positive to delta antigen. Among
different age groups there was a peak of 19.7% College, Dhaka); HOSSAIN, S.M.A. (Dept. of
positive response in the 49-60 months age group in Oncology, BSMMU, Dhaka). MANAGEMENT
anti lectin antibodies. The present study showed
the highest response (6.26%) in 24-36-months-age FIVE YEARS EXPERIENCE IN A TEACHING
group in anti delta antibodies. HOSPITAL. Bang. Med. J., 2006, 35 (2), 39-41.