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chronic anal fissure. Seventy adult patients
301 SAHA, M.S.; SANA, N.K. & SHAHA, between the age of 18 and 50 years with chronic
R.K. (Dept. of Biochemistry & Molaculor anal fissure were randomized in a prospective trial
Biology, Rajshahi University, Rajshahi). SERUM to receive cither surgical sphincterotomy or 0.2%
LIPID PROFILE OF HYPERTENSIVE glyceryl trinitrate ointment locally. Patients were
PATEINTS IN THE NORTHERN REGION OF followed up at 2 weeks' interval for 10 weeks.
BANGLADESH. J. Bio- Sci., 2006, 14 , 93-98. Symptom relief, fissure healing and continence
scores were the outcomes assessed. Six patients
A prospective study was conducted in the Northern were excluded for protocol violations. Surgical
region of Bangladesh, to investigate the serurn sphincterotomy was significantly more effective in
lipid profile viz the level of total cholesterol (TC), providing pain relief and was associated with
Triglyceride (TG), HDL-cholesterol and LDL- significantly better fissure healing rates at 6 weeks
choleslerol of hypertensive patients and compares and 10 weeks (both p< 0.001). There were
them with levels of control subjects. The results substantial problems with compliance in ointment
revealed that serum total cholesterol, triglyceride group related to slow healing and longer time
and LDL-cholesterol were significantly markedly needed for symptomatic relief. Minor incontinence
raised (p<0.001) whereas the level of HDL- was 6% in sphincterotomy group and none in
cholesterol was significantly lower (p<0.001) in ointment group (p>0.05). Considering early
hypertensive patients as compared to control symptomatic relief, rapid fissure healing and better
subjects. No significant changes of serum lipid patient compliance surgical sphincterotomy is the
profile were found between male and female treatment of choice for chronic anal fissure.
hypertensive patients, but in control subjects,
markedly higher levels of serum lipid profile was 203 SULTANA, T.A.; MOTTALIB, M.A.;
observed in male compared to that of female. It ISLAM, M.S.; CHOUDHURY, S.(Labortory
was concluded that hypercholesterolaemia, Dept., Bangladesh Institute of Research and
hypertrigyceridaemia and low density lipoprotein Rehabilitation in Diabetes Endocrine and
are the main lipid abnormalities on the incidence of Metabolic Disorders (BIRDEM), Shahbag, Dhaka)
hypertension in the study area. & KHAN, M.A. (Dept. of Hematology, Dhaka
Medical College, Dhaka). rt-PCR method for
302 SIDDIQUE, M.I.; MURSHED, K.M. diagnosis and follow-up of hematological
& MAJID, D.M.A. (Dept. of Surgery, malignancies: first approach in Bangladesh.
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University, Bang. Med. Res.Counc. Bull., 2008, 34 (1), 1-11.
Shahbag, Dhaka). Comparative study of lateral
internal sphincterotomy versus local 0.2% glyceryl Nested reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain
trinitrate ointment for the treatment of Chronic reaction (rt-PCR) was performed on 58 leukemia
anal fissure. Bang.Med. Res.Counc. Bull., 2008, patients at BIRDEM Laboratory, as a pioneering
34 (1), 12-15. work in Bangladesh. Thirty of them were
examined for the presence of BCR-ABL being
The gold standard surgical treatment of chronic clinically and morphologically diagnosed as
anal fissure is lateral internal sphincterotomy chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) and 28 for PML-
which lowers the resting anal pressure and RARα fusion transcripts being clinically and
effectively heals the majority of fissures. Local morphologically diagnosed as acute promyelocytic
application of 0.2% glyceryl trinitrate ointment has leukemia (APL/ AML, M3). The cases were
been used as an agent for chemical selected fur targeted therapy with imatinib
sphincterotomy, causing temporary alleviation of mesylate and all-Trans retinoic acid (ATRA) to
sphincter spasm and allowing the fissure to heal treat CML and APL respectively. Samples were
without compromising the anal continence. The received either before commencement or during
aim of the present study was to compare the results therapy. In the positive cases, amplified DNA
of surgical sphincterotomy with that of local 0.2% products were visible after gel electrophoresis and
glyceryl trinitrate ointment in the treatment of were reported accordingly. In case of BCR-ABL,