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negative/anti-HBe positive patients  with  normal    RCA OCCLUSION IN INFERIOR WALL ACUTE
             ALT level only 4 (16.66%) had detectable HBV         MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION. Bang.Med. J., 2006,
             DNA level. Significantly high rate of detection of   35 (2), 57-60.
             HBV DNA was seen  among  anti-HBe  positive
             patients with raised ALT level compared with the      To   assess  the     role   of  changes   in
             patients with normal ALT level (p value= 0.01).      Electrocardiogram  as a predictor of RCA
                                                                  occlusion in inferior wall acute  myocardial
             298  RAHAMAN, M.M.; RAHIM, M.A.                      infarction,  112  Patients admitted with the
             (Dept. of Community Medicine, National Institute     diagnosis of acute inferior wall  myocardial
             of  Preventive and Social Medicine, Mohakhali,       infarction ( less than 24 hours of chest discomfort
             Dhaka) & NAHAR, Q.(ICDDR,  B, Center for             and  ECG  changes), were underwent coronary
             Health and Population  Research,  Mohakhali,         angiography and having either RCA or  LCX
             Dhaka). Prevalence and risk factors of Type 2        occlusion. All the patients were grouped into two,
             diabetes in an urbanizing rural community of         according to the angiographic findings,  Group  I
             Bangladesh. Bang. Med. Res. Counc. Bull.,  2007,     included patients heaving signicant stenosis  /
             33 (2), 48-54.                                       occlusion in RCA (Right Coronary Artery) and
                                                                  Group  2  included patients having significant
                                                                  stenosis / occlusion in  LCX  (Left  Circumflex
             This  cross-sectional study was carried out  to      Artery). Higher STsegment elevation  in  lead  III
             estimate the prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus   than in lead II was found in 80% of RCA group
             and  its  risk factors in an urbanizing rural        and in 8% of the LCX group (p <0.001).
             community  of Bangladesh. Two villages were
             randomly selected from the rural areas of Gazipur
             district and total 975 subjects  (≥20 years), were   300 SHAKOOR,  M.A.  (Dept. of Physical
             included  following simple random procedure.         Medicine  and Rehabilitation, Bangabandhu
             Capillary blood glucose  levels,  fasting  blood     Sheikh  Mujib  Medical University,  Dhaka);
             glucose (FBG) levels and 2-hour after 75 g oral      TASLIM, M.A. & HOSSAIN, M.S.  (Dept.
             glucose load (OGTT) were  measured.  Height,         of  Physical Medicine,  Chittagong  Medical
             weight, waist and hip  circumferences  and  blood    College, Chittagong).  Effects of activity
             pressure were measured. The study population was     modification    on    the    patients    with
             lean with mean body mass index (BMI) of 20.48.       osteoarthritis of the knee.  Bang.Med. Res.
             The total prevalence of type 2 diabetes was 8.5%,    Counc. Bull., 2007, 33 (2), 55-59.
             men showed higher prevalence (9.4%)  compare
             to women (8.0%). Increasing age and higher BMI       A  prospective randomized clinical trial was
             were  found to be significant risk factors           conducted on 162 patients of osteoarthritis of knee
             following  both FBG and OGTT. The study has          were  included in the study. The patients were
             shown that prevalence of  diabetes  has  increased   divided into two groups- Group  A  and  Group  B.
             in the populations who are in transitional stage of   The  Group A was treated with shortwave
             urbanization,   and     may     indicate   an        diathermy, exercise, naproxen and  activity
             epidemiological transition due to fast expanding     modification and the Group B was  treated  with
             urbanziation.                                        shortwave  diathermy, exercise and naproxen.
                                                                  Improvement  was  found  more in Group A than
             299  RAHAMAN, M.T.; RAHMAN, S.;                      Group B after 4   week (95 % CI was -2.59 to
             HAQUE,       S.A.;    CHOWDHURY,           A.;       6.56). Then it was found that the improvement was
             RAHMAN, A., ALAM, M.S.; KHAN, A.;                    gradually increased in Group A than Group II and
             SHAH, A.T.M.N.  (Dept. of Cardiology, National       finally, it was found that there was highly
                                                                  significant improvement in Group A than Group B
             Institute of Cardiovascular  Diseases,  Dhaka) &     after 6  week (95 % CI was -3.45 to -0.70). This
             HAQUE, K.M.H.S.S.  (Dept. of Cardiology,             study suggests that activity modification  play  an
             BSMMU, Dhaka). ROLE OF INFERIOR LEADS OF             important role for the treatment of the patients with
             ELECTROCARDIOGRAM AS A PREDICTOR OF                  osteoarthritis of knee.

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