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other skin diseases, seborrhoeic dermatitis,
             pityriasis  versicolor,  pigmentary   disorder,      293 MOHAL,  N.(Rajshahi Govt. New
             impetigo, candidiasis of skin, acne vulgaris, wart,   Degree College, Rajshahi); ISLAM, W.;
             boil, urticaria, NGU, trichomoniasis, syphilis,      MONDAL, K.A.M.S.H & PARWEEN,
             gonorrhea  were also recorded. Majority of the       S. (Dept. of Zoology, Rajshahi University,
             patients were below the age  of  10  years  and      Rajshahi).  DEFORMITIES PRODUCED
             between 10 and 19 years. A  large  portion  of  the
             respondents came from urban area. About 52,16%       BY     SOME      PLANT      POWDERS        IN
             of  the  patients with low socio-economic status     RHYZOPERTHA  DOMINICA(F.) (COLEOPTERA
             showed a high reoccurrence of disease. Those who     : BOSTRICHIDAE). J. Bio. Sci.,  2006, 14 , 69-72.
             residing in over-crowding situation suffered more
             with the scabies followed by eczema, pyoderma        The larval feeding of  Rhyzopertha dominica  (F.)
             and psoriasis mainly.                                on whole wheat grains treated with dry leaf powder
                                                                  of  Murrya paniculata L.,  Jatropha  curcas  L.
             292 MAZED, M.A. (Dept. of Microbiology,              (Jack), Daturia metel L., Eucalyptus camaldulensis
             Chittagong Medical College, Chittagong);             Dehn. and Virtex negundo L. and seed powder of
                                                                  Nigella sativa L. produced abnormalities in larval,
             SALEH, A.A.; AHMED, S.; TARAFDER,                    pupal and adult stages at doses 2.5, 5 and 10 mg/g
             S.; SATTAR, H. & MIAH, R.A.  (Dept. of               in case of all leaf powder treatments and the effect
             Microbiology, BSMMU, Dhaka).  TNF-α IN               was more distinct al higher doses. Compared  to
             CSF FOR THE DIAGNOSIS OF  MENINGITIS                 leaf powders seed powder of  N. sativa  was more
             IN PEDIATRIC PATIENTS. Bang. Med.J.,  2007,          effective, however, the deformities  responded  in
             36 (1), 20-23.                                       the larval, pupal and adult stages were more or less
                                                                  similar in case of all the plant  products.  The
             Bacterial  meningitis remains a major cause of       percentages of deformities produced  differed
             mortality  and  morbidity in many countries of the   significantly among the doses (P<0.001,  F=5.10)
             world. Rapid and accurate diagnosis coupled with     of different plants (P<0.001, F =3.89).
             the appropriate therapy is of utmost importance in
             reducing  both  mortality and morbidity. However,    294 MOTTALIB,          M.A.;    HAQ,      J.A
             in developing countries the etiological  agent
             identification  does  not reach in 60% of cases.     .(Laboratory Services Division, BIRDEM,
             Further  more, CSF cytological & biochemical         Dhaka);    KHALIL,       M.I.    (Dept.    of
             findings alter in partially treated cases.  They     Biochemistry    and    Molecular     Biology,
             sought to measure CSF  TNF-α in suspected            Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka) &
             patients of meningitis from both  untreated  &       HOSSAIN, M.A.  (Dept. of Biochemistry and
             partially  treated  cases ,in addition to culture    Molecular Biology, Dhaka University, Dhaka).
             .Gram's stain, cytology and  biochemistry.  A  total   Evaluation of FAST Plaque TB test for the rapid
             of 160 CSF specimens were studied, of which 41       diagnosis  of Mycobacterium in tuberculosis
             cases were diagnosed as pyogenic meningitis,  99     suspects. Bang.J. Life Sci.,     2007, 19 (2), 33-37.
             as aseptic meningitis and 20 as non-  meningitis
             control group. Out of  41  pyogcenic  meningitis     Rapid diagnosis of tuberculosis (TB) is essential to
             cases  38 (92.68%) had TNF-α levels within           initiate timely  and appropriate treatment  to  curb
             pyogenic  range 740pg/ml . None of 99 aseptic        the  spread of this potentially life threatening
             meningitis  cases  & non meningitis control group    disease. The researchers evaluated the  clinical
             had values in the range  of  Bacterial  meningitis.   utility of this new assay by  analyzing  sputum
             TNF-α levels of 30(30.30%) cases of  aseptic         specimens, using FAST  Plaque TB  kit and the

             meningitis had shown the values in the pathologic    performance was compared with Acid-fast bacillus
             but not at pyogenic range  (17-39)  pg/ml.  The      (AFB)  smear.  Out  of 42 positive smears, 19
             sensitivity, specificity, positive  productive  value   (45.23%)  were FAST Plaque TB positive and 23
             and negative predictive value  of  TNF-α were        (54.76%)  were negative. Among 16 negative
             92.68%, 100%, 100%, 97.54% respectively.             smears, 2 (12.50%) specimens  were  positive  for

   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99   100