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In conclusion compare to surgical closed mitral      methylation specific PCR (qMS-PCR),  matrix-
             commissurotomy        (CMC)       percutaneous       assisted laser desorption/ionizaion time  of  fight
             transvenous  mitral commissurotomy (PTMC)            (MALDI-ToF) mass spectrometry, quantitative
             produce excellent and comparable early  clinical     fluorescent PCR (QF-PCR), single allele primer
             and haermodynarmic improvement that  is              extension reaction (SAPER) method and  other
             sustained  through mid-term period of follow-up.     techniques the applications in clinical  medicine
                                                                  have increased. The recent discovery of epigenetic
             282  CHOUDHRY, S.; ISOMOTO, I. &                     changes in placental/fetal DNA  and  the  detection
             HYASHI, K.  (Dept. of Radiology, School of           of fetal/placental-specific RNAs have made FeNAs
             Medicine, Nagasaki University, Nagasaki, Japan).     to be used for diagnosis of genetic disorders in all
             Magnetic Resonance Imaging features of breasts in    pregnancies irrespective of the gender of the fetus
             patients with nipple  discharge.  Bang. Med.Res.     in  early intrauterine life. It is now possible to
             Counc. Bull.,    2008,  34 (2), 44-47.               detect  very  small amounts of, and specific
                                                                  mutations in, fetal DNA in the presence of excess
             A  retrospective  study was conducted to             non-specific maternal DNA. In oncology, detection
             demonstrate the potential role of dynamic contrast   and monitoring of tumors are now possible by the
             enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (DCEMRI)         detection of tumor-derived FcNas. In  other
             in the detection of breast lesions in 15 patients with   conditions, such as diabetes mellitus, trauma and
             nipple  discharge. The DCEMRI  findings were         stroke FcNas have been shown to be useful also. In
             compared  and correlated with the findings of        spite  of  these advances questions regarding the
             ultrasonography  and mammography. The results        origin and biologic significance of FcNas remain
             revealed that the character of the nipple discharge   to be answered. Standardization of methodologies
             was mostly bloody and in few cases were serous.      including pre-analytical and analytical aspects will
             The imaging findings revealed that  DCEMRI    is     revolutionize  the applications of FcNas in the
             highly sensitive and specific in the  detection  of   diagnosis and monitoring of  diseases  in  clinical
             breast  cancer and the histopathological correlation   medicine in the next few years.
             in such detection was highly significant (p<0.001)
             as    compared     to   ultrasonography   and        284 HAIDER,  M.(School of Public Health,
             mammography finding.                                 University of Maryland, College Park,  MD
                                                                  20742, USA) ; AHMED, S.N. & JAHA, N.K.
             283  GLASUDDIN, A.S.M.; JHUMA, K.A.                  (Research Training Management  International,
             (Dept. of  Biochemistry,  Medical  College  for      Gulsan,   Dhaka).    Bangladesh     HIV/AIDS
             Women and Hospital, Uttara Model Town, Dhaka)        communication  challenges and strategies.  Bang.
             & Haq, A.M.M.  (Dept. of Medicine, Medical           Med. Res. Counc. Bull.,   2008, 34 (2), 54-61.
             College for Women and  Hospital,  Uttara  Model
             Town, Dhaka). Applications of free circulating       Bangladesh is in a precarious position in relation to
             nucleic acids in clinical medicine: Recent           the  HIV/AIDS  epidemic. Rates are currently low
             advances. Bang. Med.Res. Counc. Bull.,  2008, 34     compared to the rest of the South Asian region, and
                                                                  the disease is relatively confined to small, high-risk
             (1), 26-32.                                          populations-mainly injection drug users (IDUs)
                                                                  and commercial sex workers. Yet if steps are not
             The  objective of this review article was to         taken  quickly  to keep the epidemic in check, it
             highlight briefly the recent advances made relevant   could easily spread to the general population as it
             to  applications of free  circulating nucleic acids   has in other countries nearby. This would both
             (FcNAs) in clinical medicine. Detection of FcNAs     increase the negative impact of HIV/AIDS and
             in plasma, serum and other  body  fluids  from       make it much harder to target for containment. It is
             healthy subjects as well as in patients has opened   therefore  imperative that healthy behavior be
             up  the  possibility of diagnosis and monitoring of   promoted among IDUs and sex users, not only for
             diseases.With the rapid developments in molecular    their own health, but for the health of the country.
             biology techniques such as real-time quantitative    Prevention will be the key to halting the spread of
             polymerase chain reaction (rt-qPCR), quantitative

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