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was carried out to find out  whether  the            279  AHMED, T.U., BANU, N.N.  (IEDCR,
             formulations had any effect on the cerebral cortex   Dhaka);  BASHAR, K.  (Dept. of  Zoology,
             or not. KBR had no  effect  on  the  pentobarbital-  Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka); RAHMAN,
             induced onset of sleep (loss of reflex). KBR treated   G.M.S.  (Dept. of Zoolgy, National University),
             mice groups showed high magnitude of increase in     SHAMSUZZAMAN, M.(Dept.  of Zoology, Feni
             the duration of sleep (regain of reflex). This effect
             was  statistically  significant (p<0.001). Thus KBR   Govt. College, Feni); SAMAJPATI, S. (Jagannath
             may have some sedative property  which  needs        University, Dhaka);  SULTANA, S. (Eden
             further in-depth study in the future.                College, Dhaka) ; HOSSAIN, M.I.  (West Mead
                                                                  Hospital,  Dept. of Medical Entomology, Sydney
             616 MEDICAL SCIENCES:                                University, Australia)  & RAHMAN, M.S.  (Dhaka
                   MEDICINE                                       City  Corporation,  FACTORS  SOME     SOCIO-
                                                                  DENGUE     OUTBREAK      IN   DHAKA     CITY,
             278 AHMED, S.M.  (BRAC Research &                    BANGLADESH. Bang.J. Zool;  2007, 35 (2), 213-222.
             Evaluation  Division, 75 Mohakhali, Dhaka).
             TAKING      HEALTHCARE        WHERE      THE         A through survey was conducted  among  the  city
             COMMUNITY  IS: THE STORY OF THE                      dwellers of Dhaka metropolitan area  from
             Shasthya Sebikas OF BRAC IN BANGLADESH.              September to November 2001 to know about the
             BRAC Univ.J.,  2008,  V (1), 37-43.                  level of knowledge, attitude and  practices,
                                                                  concerning dengue, dengue  vector mosquito  and
             To mitigate the income-erosion effect of  illness    their breeding grounds. Houses were selected by a
             and vulnerability of the poor households, BRAC, an   systematic sampling method and interviews were
             indigenous Bangladeshi NGO,  integrates  Essential   carried out with a pre-designed and pre-tested
             Health  Care (EHC) activities with its microcredit-  questionnaires. A total of 3201  households  was
             based poverty-alleviation interventions.  The  EHC   visited and interviewed. The study showed that the
             delivers preventive and basic curative  health       majority people (99%) knew about dengue and its
             services to the villagers  through  Shasthya Sebika   vector, but they had insufficient knowledge about
             (SS) who is the community health worker selected     vector management. Cases were more common in
             from among the village-based women's credit group    high-income areas than slum areas. About 50% of
             members  who is willing to provide voluntary         city  dwellers did not take any measures against
             services,  and acceptable to  the community she      vector mosquitoes. A large number of them did not
             serves. The SSs receive four weeks basic residential   know the exact types of Aedes breeding containers.
             training  backed  up by regular monthly refreshers.   Each family spent about Tk. 233.4 (US $ 3.7) in
             For   specific   programmes such as DOTS,            one month during peak dengue season. City
             community-based ARI, or safe motherhood,  the        dwellers opinioned that they were willing to allow
             SSs are given additional training. Each SS  covers   City Corporation people to check  their  premises
             around 250 households, and she makes at least once   for Aedes breeding, but 33.5% were not willing to
             a month visit to the households. During these visits,   pay fine if Aedes breeding was detected.
             they  disseminate  health, nutrition and family
             planning messages, motivate to install  tube-wells   280  ALAM, S.M.M.; HOQ, M.M. (Dept. of
             and sanitary latrines, identify and register         Urology,  Dhaka  Medical College, Dhaka) ;
             pregnancy cases, identify TB  suspects  for  sputum   HOQUE, M. & RAHMAN, M.  (Dept. of
             examination, provide treatment for  common           Urology,    Chittagong    Medical     College,
             illnesses and health commodities. The SSs work on    Chittagong).  Initial  experience with 10 cases of
             voluntary basis but earn some income from the sale   Indiana pouch continent urinary diversion.  Bang.
             of  health commodities Meticulous selection,         Med.Res. Counc. Bull., 2008, 34 (1), 21-25.
             training, supportive supervision,  functional  referral   Indiana pouch continent urinary diversion provides
             linkage and performance-based incentives are key     patient  control over elimination of urine with
             factors responsible for the sustenance of the model   periods of dryness. This allows emptying of urine
             till date.                                           from the pouch by catheter at convenient intervals

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