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carrageenan injection. In order to elucidate anti- mercury as a substrate Propylene glycol was used
inflammatory principles, phytochemical studies as a plasticizer. The prepared films exhibited
were performed for isolation & purification of the satisfactory physico-chemical characteristics. In
constituents of the crude extract by vitro permeation profiles across the guinea-pig
chromatography, which revealed the presence of dorsal skin using K-C diffusion cell are reported.
11 compounds in the extract. Incorporating PEG-400 and tween 60 into the films
enhanced the permeation across guinea-pig skin;
275 SUBUDHI, B.B.; PANDA, P.K.; TOSH, permeation rate was greater with films containing
B.K.; SAHU, S. & MAJHI, P. (Dept. of PEG-400. The permeation followed zero order
Pharmaceutical Sciences, Utkal University, Orissa, kinetics and mechanism was found to be matrix
India). Synthesis and Biological Activity Evalution diffusion.
of Some Azetidinone and Thiazolidinone
Derivatives of Coumarins. Dhaka Univ. J. Pharm. 277 YESMINE, S. (Dept. of Pharmacy, East
Sci., 2005, 4 (2), 87-92. West University, Dhaka), MOUSHUMI, S.J.;
UDDIN, M.J.; CHOUDHURI, M .S.K. (Dept. of
Keeping in view the pharmacological potential of Pharmacy, Jahangirnagar University, Savar,
azetidinones, thiazolidinones and coumarins, the Dhaka) ; SHRESTHA, T. (Nepal Institute of
title compounds containing these muclei were Health Sciences, Purbanchal University,
synthesized. The 4-methyl-7-hydroxy coumarin (1) Kathmandu, Nepal) & ALAM, F. (Dept. of
on treatment with hydrazinc hydrate affords 2- Pharmacy, University of Development Alternative,
hydrazo-4-methyl-7-hydroxy coumarin (2). The N- Dhaka). A study on the effects of Kamini Bidravan
(2'-imino-4'-methyl-7'-hydroxy coummarinyl)- Rasa on the gastrointestinal system and the central
imino substituted benzene (3) was synthesized by nervous system. Bang. J. Life Sci., 2007, 19 (1), 7-
reaction of compond 2 with various aromatic 15.
aldehydes. Condensation of compound 3 with
chloroacetyl chloride in presence of 1,4-droxan In this research work Gastro-intestinal Motility
and triethyl amine yields the 3-chloro-4- test, Antidiarrhoeal Activity test, Acute Metabolic
(substituted)-1-(2-imino-4-methyl-7' hydroxy study and Pentobarbital Narcosis - these four types
coumarinyl) azetidin-2-one (4a-d). Further more of experiment were carried out on Kamini
condesation of 3 with thioglycollic acid in Bidraban Rasa (KBR) an Ayurvedic tablet
presence of 1,4-dioxan and anhydrous aluminium preparation. In the gastrointestinal motility test
chloride gives 2-(substituted phenyl)-3-(2'-imino- using mice, at 15 minute time interval KBR
4', methyl-7'-hydroxy coumarinyl)-1,3- showed decrease in gastrointestinal motility when
thiazolidinone (4'a-d). Elemental and spectral compared to the control. Percent traversed by
chartcterization established the identity of those BaSO 4 (15 minute) of the total length decreased in
compounds. All the products were screened in KBR treated animals but it was not statistically
vitro for their anti microbial activity against significant. At 30 minute time interval KBR
different strains of urinary tract pathogens. All showed a decrease in GI motility as was found
compounds exhibited significant antimicrobial considering the length traversed. The decrease was
activity compared to the standard drug found statistically significant in case of KBR. In
nitrofurantoin. the Anti-diarrhoeal Activity Test KBR was found
to have no difference in the latent period value
276 TANWAR, Y.S. (Dept. of Pharmaceutics, when compared to the control. KBR showed rather
Bhupal Noble's College of Pharmacy, Rajasthan, poor laxative effect. To check the possible effects
India). Formulation and Evaluation of Transdermal of Kamini Bidraban Rasa (KBR) on the normal
Films of Salbutamol Sulphate. Dhaka Univ. J. metabolic processes, a 24-hr acute metabolic study
Pharm. Sci., 2005, 4 (2), 93-97. was carried out. KBR has slight decreasing effect
on water intake on the contrary has slight
Transdermal drug delivery systems of salbutamol increasing effect on the urination. KBR has
sulphate using eudragit RL100 and PVP were decreasing effect on the food intake and on
developed by solvent casting technique employing defecation. Pentobarbital sleeping time experiment