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response affected by dbcAMP (∆lsc = 12.9 ± 4.7 261 QUAYUM, M.E.; MANNAN, R.J. &
µA/cm versus 24.0 ±4.3 µA/cm , n =8). NAHAR, K. (Dept. of Chemistry, Dhaka
University, Dhaka). Study on Redox Behaviour of
260 PATOARE, Y.; HOSSAIN, M. M. (Dept. Dopamine and its Complexes with Cu (II) and Mg
of Pharmacy, Asia Pacific University, Dhaka); (II) ions. Dhaka Univ. J. Pharm. Sci., 2005, 4 (2),
HOSSAIN, M. I. ; PARVEEN, S. ; HASNAT, A. 135-140.
(Dept. of Clinical Pharmacy & Pharmacology,
Dhaka University, Dhaka); ISLAM, M. N. (Dept. The complexations of dopamine with Cu (II) and
of Botany, Dhaka University, Dhaka) & Mg (II) ions and their redox behaviour have been
CHOWDHURY, A. (Dept. of Zoology, Dhaka studied in aqueous solution using electrochemical
University, Dhaka). Effect of Calcium Carbide on methods such as, cyclic voltammetry (CV) and
Rat Tissue. Dhaka Univ. J. Pharm. Sci., 2007, 6 chrono coulometry (CC). The redox behaviour of
(2), 93-98. Cu (II) Mg (II) ions in absence and in presence of
dopamine has been investigated. Dopamine
To evaluate the effects of Calcium carbide (CaC 2) hydrochloride (DPH) shows a two-electron transfer
in biological system, an in vivo study was carried quasi-reversible charge transfer reaction on
out on Long Evans rats. CaC 2 was administered platinum electrode and similar redox behaviour
orally once daily for one month with specific was observed in case of Mg (II). A two-step redox
concentrations. Group I was considered as the process is observed for Cu (II) in aqueous solution.
control group (without CaC 2), Group - II. III, IV The values of charge transfer rate constants for the
and V were the sample groups treated with CaC 2 ligand DPH and for pure metals Cu (II) and Mg
having concentration of 1g/kg, 2g/kg, 5g/kg and (II) are higher than those of Cu (II)- DPH and Mg
10g/kg body weight respectively. The experiment (II)-DPH system indicating considerable
was conducted to detect any cellular and molecular complexation. CC data was analyzed to evaluate
level changes caused by CaC 2. The histopathology the extent of absorption of the reactants or products
and isozyme assay were performed to analyse the on the surface.
changes in the activities of the genes affected by
the free radicals released from CaC 2. The 262 RAFIQUZZAMAN, M.; SAHA, P. &
molecular analysis included different isozymes AHAMMAD, Z. (Dept. of Pharmacy,
namely esterase and acid phosphatase. Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka). Quality
Polyacrylamidc electrophoresis of whole cell of some haematinic preparations marketed in
extract of control subjects and CaC 2 administered Bangladesh. Bang. J. Life Sci., 2007, 19 (2), 69-
rats were performed; subsequently the gels were 75.
treated with the substrates for acid phosphatase and
esterase respectively. No difference was observed Several quality parameters of thirty (30) different
in the whole cell extract band pattern between the brands of marketed haematinic preparations were
control subject and the CaC 2 administered rats, analyzed on the basis of USP specifications.
which grossly indicates that the CaC 2 has no effect Among the thirty (30) different brands of
on the expression pattern of isozymes (acid haematinics, twenty (20) brands were allopathic
phosphatase and esterase). Histopathological syrups and ten (10) brands were unani medicine
analysis of liver, heart, spleen, kidney and lungs syrups. Potency analysis showed that most of the
were performed to observe any change due to the unani syrups (90%) were substandard (of which
administration of CaC 2. Remarkable changes were 20% were spurious) and 10% were over potent. On
observed during the histopathologicul study of the other hand, all the brands (100%) of allopathic
lungs and kidney only. The histopathological syrups were found over potent or with overage.
analysis of kidney showed the thickening of the Effect of time on the potency showed that all the
lining of collecting tubules with changes in cell haematinic syrups underwent degradation with
structure while lungs were found to be increased time and it was faster in the early period. Potency
moderately in weight, with focal areas of reduction with time might be the reason to give
consolidation that was found red brown to red. overage in allopathic syrups. Other parameters,