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Chemistry, Dhaka University, Dhaka) & RASHID,        dissolved  in  the gastric fluid. Xanthun gum, Na-
             M.A. (Centre for Biomedical  Research,  Dhaka        CMC and HPMC based formulation showed nearly
             University, Dhaka). In vitro Antimicrobial Activity   zero-order release. On the contrary, gelatin and
             of    Some     Synthetic   Isoindolinone  and        PVP K-30 based formulation  showed  a  burst
             Isoquinolinone  Derivatives.  Dhaka Univ. J.         release within one hour of dissolution.
             Pharm. Sci., 2006, 5 (1-2), 15-19.
                                                                  273  SHOEB, M.; MAMUN, M.I.R.; NAHAR,
             A total of six  N-substituted benzamides,  eight     N. & MOSIHUZZAMAN, M.  (Dept. of
             isoindolinone  derivatives and six isoquinolinone    Chemistry, Dhaka University, Dhaka).  Biological
             analogs have been screened  against  five  Gram      Screening of  Zizyphus rugosa and  Zizyphus
             positive and twelve Gram negative bacteria as well   oenoplia extractives. Dhaka Univ. J. Pharm. Sci.,
             as four human fungal  pathogens.  From  the          2005, 4 (2), 131-134.
             antimicrobial screening, it is evident that 2-iodo N-
             substituted   tetrahydro-l-oxo  isoquinoline-3-      Different  extracts  of the leaves and barks of
             carboxylic acids showed very prominent activity at   Zizyphus  rugosa and Zizyphus oenoplia were
             a concentration 200  µg/disc, while the  N-          studied for their antibacterial, antifungal, and  β-
             substituted-3-alkyl  isoindolin-l-one  acetates      glucuronidase inhibitory activities. The methanol
             showed  weak to  moderate activity. At the same      extract of  Z.  rugosa bark showed significant
             time, 2-iodo- N-subustituted benzamides revealed     antibacterial  activity  against  Streptococcus
             very poor activity.                                  pyogens, Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas
                                                                  aerogenes whereas the methanol extract of leaves
             272  SHAMSUDDIN, M.; AKTER, P. (Dept. of             demonstrated moderate activity against Salmonella
             Pharmacy, Asia Pacific University, Dhaka);           typhi. The chloroform and methanol extracts of Z.
             KHAN, M.Z.R.; CHOWDHURY, J.A.  &                     oenoplia showed good activity against  a  few
             REZA, M.S. ( Faculty of Pharmacy, Dhaka              bacteria strains. The chloroform  extracts of the
             University, Dhaka). Studies on Bio-adhesion  of      barks and leaves of Z. rugosa  also  showed
             Matrix Tablets: I. Release Profile of Theophylline   antifungal activity. The methanol and ethyl acetate
             Anhydrous.  Dhaka Univ. J. Pharm. Sci., 2006,  5     extracts of the brak of  Z. rugosa revealed
             (1-2), 33-37.                                        significant  β-glucuronidase inhibitory  activity.
                                                                  Lupeol, Betuline, betulinaldehyde and  betulinic
             Controlled  release matrix tablets of theophylline   acid, isolated from Z. rugosa, also showed good
             anhydrous were designed with different types  of     activity against a few bacteria.
             bioadhesive polymers. HPMC 15 cps and 50 cps,
             Na-CMC, Gelatin, Xanthun gum and PVP  K-30           274   SIRAJ,   S.;   MAZUMDER,        M.E.H.;
             were selected to formulate matrix tablets. Tablets   MUHSIN, M.D.A. & CHOWDHURY, A.Y.S. F.
             of theophylline were prepared by direct              U.A.   (Dept.   of  Pharmacy,    Jahangirnagar
             compression method and were subjected to in vitro    University, Savar, Dhaka). Phytopharmacological
             drug dissolution for 8 hrs in a gastric fluid media   investigation of the petroleum ether extract of
             by using thermal shaker with a shaking speed of 50   Uraria lagopodioides DC. stems for anti-
             rpm  at  a temperature of 37 ± 0.5 C. The  in vitro   inflammatory principles. Bang. J. Life Sci., 2007,
             release study as well as retention time  of          19 (1), 1-6.
             bioadhesive tablets on mucous  membrane  were
             investigated  to  develop a bioadhesive polymer      Petroleum  ether extract of  Uraria lagopodioides
             based controlled release delivery system and to      DC. stems was studied for anti-inflammatory
             evaluate the performance of such delivery device.    activity  using  carrageenan   induced   acute
             Na-CMC, HPMC and Xanthun gum based tablets           inflammation in rat hind paw. The extract was
             showed greater bio-adhesive strength where as        found to be active against acute inflammation and
             gelatin and PVP K-30 based tablets showed poor       seems  to  possess more potent anti-inflammatory
             bioadhesive strength. Na-CMC and Xanthun gum         effect  than the classical anti-inflammatory drug
             loaded tablets were not discharged  from  the        aspirin. The extract showed a time depended action
             mucous  membrane and these tablets were fully        that reached its peak at the 2  hour after giving the

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