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             form an n-hexane extract of the stem bark of         potential (+155mV for Fe TMPyP and +60mV for
             Eclipta Prostrata. The structures of the isolated    Fe TSPP at pH 2.0) and the onset of emission was
             compounds were confirmed by extensive                found pH dependent.The redox potential calcutated
             spectroscopic studies, notably high field NMR        as  the  average values of upward and downward
             and MS. The    13 C NMR data of the parent           emission for Fe TSPP  shifted towards cathodic
             saponins 1 and 2 are reported here the first         potential compared to that of Fe TMPyP by more
             time.                                                than 65mV. Therefore, two pKa  values  were
                                                                  estimated as 5.7 and 11.7 for Fe TMPyP and that
             268  RAHMAN, S.; CHOWDHURY,  A.A.;                   for Fe TSPP were 6.5 and 12.3 reflecting the
             HASNAT, A.  (Faculty  of Pharmacy, Dhaka             charge effect on the redox potentials.
             University, Dhaka) &  KARIM, P. (Dept. of
             Pharmacy, Asia Pacific University, Dhaka). Effect    270  RAZIB, B.M.M.A.; ULLAH, M.A.;
             of Manganese on the Activity  of  Antibiotic         AZAD, M. A.K.; SULTANA, R.; YASMIN, H.
             Against Microorganisms.  Dhaka Univ. J. Pharm.       & HASNAT, A. (Dept. of Clinical Pharmacy and
             Sci., 2005,  4 (1), 23-26.                           Pharmacology,   Dhaka    University,  Dhaka).
                                                                  Validation  and Application of a Modified RP-
             Manganese is an important element  in  biological    HPLC  Method for the Quantification of
             system.  It is essential for enzymatic activity,     Desloratadine in Pharmaceutical Dosage  Forms.
             maintaining three-dimensional structure of protein,   Dhaka Univ. J. Phar. Sci., 2006, 5 (1-2), 1-4.
             for the synthesis of nucleic acid and  protein  etc.
             Deficiency of manganese causes different  life       The  purpose  of the study was to develop a
             threatening diseases. Because of this, the optimum   simple,  sensitive and rapid RP-HPLC method
             level  of manganese must be maintained in all        for the determination of desloratadine in
             biological system. This experiment, therefore, was   marketed       products.     Chromatographic
             designed to evaluate the effect of  manganese  on    determination was performed in a reverse phase
             the  activity  of different antibiotics (ciprofloxacin,   C 18  column  (250 mm x 3.3 mm I.D., 5µm
             cephradine, amoxicillin, gentamycin,  tetracycline,   particle size) using a mixture of acetonitrile : n-
             cloxacillin,  nalidixic    acid,   ceftriaxone,      pentane    sulphonic    acid   sodium     salt
             metronidazole  and carbenicillin) against different   monohydrate, adjusted to pH 3.0± 0.05 with
             microorganisms.  It  has been observed that          phosphoric acid (60:40 v/v) as mobile phase and
             antimicrobial activity of an  antibiotic  increased   delivered  at  a  flow rate of 1 ml/min. The UV
             significantly  with  concomitant use of manganese    detection was set at 254  nm.  The  calibration
             salt ranging from 600-6000 ng per antibiotic disc    range was from  2.0  to 40  µg/ml. The method
             (P < 0.05). It is revealed from the experiment that   was  validated  in  term of validated in trem of
             manganese  increases  the activity of antibiotic     linearity (r >0.98, RSD=1.958%) precision
             against bacterial strains.                           (RSD=3.757%)            and          accuracy
                                                                  (deviation<2.653%, RSD< 2.203%). The  limit
             269 RANA,       M.S.   (Dept.   of  Pharmacy,        of quantification was 2  µg/ml and the limit of
             Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka). Study on    detection was 0.1  µg/ml. The lienear ranges of
             electrochemical reduction of Fe TMPyP and            desloratadine were 20.23 ± 0.368  µg/ml and
             Fe TSPP by luminol chemiluminescence. Bang. J.       6.545 ± 0.0495  µg/ml in tablet  (potency  =
             Life Sci., 2006, 18 (1), 1-9.                        99.175 ±0.718 %) and syrup (potency = 101.15
                                                                  ±  1.838  %) respectively. The potency of
             Formation   of   ferryl  species  induced  by        desloratadine  in   marketed   products   was
             electrochemical reduction of Fe TMPyP and            determined by this method with acceptable
             Fe TSPP was examined by measuring luminol            precision and reproducibility.
             chemiluminescence  using flow-injection method.
             Ferryl  is widely accepted to be the responsible     271 REZA,  A.F.G.M.  (Dept. of Chemistry,
             species  for stimulating emission in hydrogen        National University, Gazipur); KHAN, M.W.
             peroxide  /  iron porphyrin / luminol system.        (Dept. of Chemistry, BUET, Dhaka); RAHMAN,
             Chemiluminescence observed below the reduction       M.S.; HASAN,  C.M.  (Dept. of Pharmaceutical

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