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were not changed significantly than that of the from that of the cohort. Dhaka Univ. J. Pharm.
cohort controls. The IgG level was found to be Sci., 2007, 6 (2), 77-80.
15.23 ± 3. 82 g/I (p = 0.341) in the schizophrenic
patients, while it was 14.36 ± 3.37 g/1 in the Insulin resistance is associated with a defect in
cohort controls. IgM and IgA concentrations were protein tyrosine phosphorylation in the insulin
6. 19 ± 2. 36 g/1 (p = 0.861) and 4. 85 ± 1 .70 g/1 signal transducation cascade. Protein tyrosine
(p = 0.362) in the schizophrenic patients, whereas phosphatase (PTPase) enzyme dephosphorylates
those were 6.00 ± 2.05 g/1 and 4.48 ± 1 .39 g/1, the active form of insulin receptor and thus
respectively, in healthy volunteers.In many attenuates its tyrosine kinase activity, therefore the
psychiatric disorders, immunoglobulin levels need of potent PTPase inhibitor is there with that
changed significantly and have been used as a tool intention the Quantitative structure-activity
for the preliminary diagnosis of those diseases. The relationship QSAR was performed. QSAR has
study concludes that serum immunoglobulin levels been established on a series of compounds of
in schizophrenic patients may not be useful as a novel sulfono biphenyl analogs using SYSTAT
diagnostic tool for identification of this disorder. (Version7.0) software, for their PTPase-1B
inhibitor activity, in order to understand the
251 KARIM, P.; SADAT, A.F.M.N. (Dept. essential structural requirement for binding with
of Pharmacy, Asia Pacific University, Dhaka); the receptor. Among several 2D QSAR models,
HOSSAIN, M.I.; NAHAR, Z.; HASNAT, A. one for a series was selected on the basis of high
(Dept. of Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacology, corrclation coefficient, least standard deviation &
Dhaka University, Dhaka) & HOSSAIN, M.K. the value of signitficance for maximum no. of
(Dept. of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Dhaka subject was considered.The interpreted data signify
University, Dhaka). Serum levels of Cadmium, the essentiality of Benzofuran ring in the designing
Calcium, Lead and Iron in Schizophrenic of the new PTPase -1B inhibitors and any
Patients. Dhaka Univ. J. Pharm. Sci., 2006, 5 (1- substitution on the biphenyl and sulfonyl phenyl is
2), 9-13. going to decrease its activity.
The serum concentration of cadmium (Cd), lead 253 KHANAM, J.A. (Dept. of Biotchnology
(Pb), calcium (Ca) and iron (Fe) in 30 and Molecular Biology, Rajshahi University,
schizophrenic patients and 30 normal healthy Rajshahi); BEGUM, M.F. (Dept. of Botany,
subjects were analyzed by flame atomic Rajshahi University, Rajshahi); ARA, J.; ALI,
absorption spectroscopy.The concentrations of S.M.M. (Dept. of Applied Chemistry and
Cd, Pb, and Ca in schizophrenic disorder patients Chemical Technology, Rajshahi University,
was not increased significantly (P > 0.05) Rajshahi) & JESMIN, M.(BCSIR, Rajshahi).
compared to that of the cohort controls (p< Antimicrobial Activity of Metal Cystine
0.000).The change in serum conecntraton of Complexes. Dhaka Univ. J. Pharm. Sci., 2006, 5
different trace elements may have some prognostic (1-2), 29-32.
significance for the diagnosis of schizophrenic
disorder.However futher work is suggested to Metal cystine complexes of nickel(II), mercury(II)
examine the exact correlation between trace and cadmium(II) have been synthesized and their
elements level and the degree of disorder in antimicrobial activities have been evaluated. It is
schizophrenic patients. found that mercury(II) cystine and cadmium(II)
cystine complexes have pronounced pioneer
252 KAUSHIK, D.; KHAN, S.A.; ALAM, antibacterial and antifungal activities. On the other
O.; CHAWLA, G. (Faculty of Pharmacy, Jamia hand nickel(II) cystine shows moderate activities.
Hamdard University, New Delhi, India) & The LC 50 values of nickel(II) cystine, mercury(II)
KASHEDIKAR, S.G. (Shri G.S. Institute of cystine and cadmium(II) cystine are found to be
Technology and Sciences, Indore, India). QSAR 5.2, 8,0 and 7,2 µg ml , respectively. These values
Optimization of Benzofuran and Benzothiophene were obtained from cytotoxic studies indicating
Sulfono Biphenyl as Potent PTPase -1B Inhibitors that they are biologically active compounds.