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of these compounds were determined by butanol and hydromethanol soluble fractions
spectroscopic analysis (UV, IR, 'H NMR, were found to be 23.5 µg/ml, 35.6 µg/ml, 64
13 CNMR and EMS). This is the first report of µg/ml and 86.4 µg/ml respectively while the IC 50
a systematic phytochemical invcstigation and value of'ascorbic acid was 12.6 µg/ml. Total
antioxidant activity also increased in a dose
the presence of these Triterpenoids from this dependent manner in all four fractions. Among
plant. the fractions chloroform fraction was found to
possess to the highest antioxidant activity in the
244 HAQUE, M.R.; RAHMAN, K.M.; tested models; the activity decreased in the
HASAN, C.M.; RASHID, M.A. order: chloroform fraction > pet ether fraction >
(Phytochemical Reseasch Laboratory, Dept. of methanol fraction > n-butanol fraction. These
Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Dhaka University, results suggest that C. benghalensis may act as a
Dhaka) & BEGUM, B. (Dept. of Clinical chemopreventative agent, providing antioxidant
Pharmacy and Pharmacology, Dhaka University, properties and offering effective protection from
Dhaka). Secondary Metabolites from free radicals.
Sterespermum Chelonoides. Dhaka Univ. J.
Pharm. Sci., 2005, 4 (1), 61-64. 246 HOSSAIN, M.B.; RASHID, M.;
Five compounds namely, sterekunthal B (1), HOSSAIN, A.K.M.M. (Dept. of Pharmacy,
sterequinone C (2), p-hydroxybenzaldehyde (3), p- Rajshahi University, Rajshahi). Release kinetics
hydroxyphenylmethyl ketone (4) and stigmasterol Studies of Ibuprofen from Sustained Release
(5) were isolated from methanolic extract of the Microcapsules. Dhaka Univ. J. Pharm. Sci., 2005,
stem bark of Stereospermum chelonoides. The 4 (1), 45-49.
structures of compounds 1-5 were established by
extensive spectroscopic studies, notably high field Ibuprofen sustained release microcapsules were
NMR and MS. This is the first report of occurrence prepared using ethyl cellulose (EC) and hydroxy
of 1-5 from Sterespermum Chelonoides. propyl methyl cellulose phthalate (HPMCP) by
o/w emulsification-solvent evaporation technique.
245 HASAN, S.M.R.; HOSSAIN, M.M.; These microcapsules released the drug by
FARUQUE, A.; MAZUMDER, M.E.H.; "Higuchi" mechanism.The release rate increased
RANA, M.S. (Dept. of Pharmacy, exponentially with the addition of HPMCP in EC.
Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka); Ibuprofen release rate was observed highest with
AKTER, R. & ALAM, M.A. (Dept. of the highest concentration of HPMCP (30:70 ratio),
Pharmacy, Stamford University Bangladesh, used in the present studies. On the other hand,
Dhaka). Comparison of antioxidant potential of Ibuprofen release ate was lowest when EC and
different fractions of Commelina benghalensis L. HPMCP conbination was used at the ratio of
Bang. J. Life. Sci., 2008, 20 (2), 9-16. 100:0.The mechanism of drug release was
prominently diffusion controlled through
The present study was undertaken to evaluate and membrane and pore.The kinetics of drug release
compare the antioxidant potential of four followed Higuchi’s model.
different fractions (chloroform, pet ether, n-
butanol and hydromethanol fractions) of stems 247 HOSSAIN, M.M.; HASAN, S.M.R.;
with leaves of Commelina benghalensis Linn MAZUMDER, M.E.H.; RANA, M.S.;
using 1, 1-Diphenyl-2-Picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) FARUQUE, A. (Dept. of Pharmacy, Jahangirnagar
radical scavenging assay and total antioxidant University, Dhaka) & AKTER, R. (Dept. of
capacity. All fractions showed significant Pharmacy, Jahangirnagar University, Savar,
activites in both the assays compared to the Dhaka). Brine Shrimp lethality bioassay and
reference antioxidant ascorbic acid in a dose radical scavenging activity of Artocarpus
dependent manner. In DPPH radical scavenging Lacucha Buch-Ham. Bang. J. Life Sci., 2008, 20
assay, the IC 50, values of chloroform, pet ether, n- (2), 27-34.