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of  Bioactive Secondary Metabolites from the         242 HAQUE,        M.E.;    ISLAM,      M.N.;
             Endophytic Fungus of  Ocimum basilicum.  Dhaka       RAHMAN, M.H. & MOHAMAD, A.U.
             Univ. J. Pharm. Sci.,  2005,  4 (2), 127-130.        (Dept. of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,
                                                                  Dhaka University, Dhaka).  Antimicrobial and
             Twenty three endophytic f'ungi from leaf, stem and   Cytotoxic Activities of the Crude Extracts and
             root of Ocimum  basilicum  (Tulshi) were isolated    lsolated    Compounds       of     xylocarpus
             and purified. One of the fungi (2L-5) isolated from
             the leaves was fermented in a large  scale  and      mollucensis. Dhaka Univ. J. Pharm. Sci.,  2007,
             extracted with ethyl acetate. The fungal extract was   6 (2), 109-112.
             found to be active against  two  bacteria,  Bacillus
             cereus  and Staphylococcus aureus. From the ethyl    The fractionated crude extracts and three isolated
             acetate  extract two steroids, ergosterol and        pure compounds XM-1. XM-2 and XM-3  from
             cerevisterol were isolated. Structures of the        stem bark of  Xylocarpus mollucensis  were
             compounds were elucidated by  high-resolution  I-    screened  for their antibacterial and antifungal
                                                                  activities  and cytotoxicity against brine shrimp
             and 2-D NMR spectroscopy.                            nauplii. Petroleum ether, ethyl acetate (EtOAc) and
                                                                  methanol  (MeOH) extracts and the compounds
             241   HAQUE,  M.E. (Dept. of Dermatology,            isolated  from EtOAc fractions were studied for
             Dhaka     Medical    College   &    Hospital);       their antimicrobial activities. Cytotoxic  activities
             SAFAYETULLAH,           Q.;   ISLAM,     S.N.        were conducted only with EtOAc extract and  its
             (Institute of Nutrition and Food  Science,  Dhaka    selected fractions. The EtOAc  extract  showed
             University, Dhaka) & AHSAN, M. (Dept.  of            promising antimicrobial activities against all  the
             Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Dhaka  University,         gram positive and gram negative bacteria whereas
             Dhaka).     Hypoglycaemic      Property     of       petroleum ether extract showed moderate activities
             Nutraceuticals. Dhaka Univ. J. Pharm. Sci.,  2007,  6   and the MeOH extract did not show any
             (2), 105-107.                                        antimicrobial  activities.  The  isolated  pure
                                                                  compounds  XM-I,  XM-2 and XM-3, whose
             Hypoglycaemic property of four nutraceuticals        structures were not elucidated, exhibited activities
             named -  black cumin, garlic, methi and  karela      against most of the bacterial  strains.  The
             been investigated on an alloxan  induced  diabetic   cytotoxicity towards brine shrimp  nauplii  of  the
             rat model. Glibenclamide was used as positive        crude EtOAC extract and its  selected  fractions
             control and normal saline was used as  negative      were studied. The LC values of the EtoAc extract
             control. Serum glucose levels of  normal  and        was 12.6 µg/ml and for the fractions 2, 5, 8 and 13
             diabetic induced rats were estimated by  Glucose     were  17.78,  13.34, 14.13 and 15.85 µg/ml,
             Oxidase  method  using  a kit, and it were 4.33 ±    respectively.
             0.43 mmol/L and 8.27 ± 0.45mmol/L respectively.
             The alloxan induced diabetic  rats  were  grouped    243  HAQUE, M.E.; SHEKHAR, H.U.;
             into  six. which were then treated with the four     MOHAMAD, A.U.; RAHMAN, H.; ISLAM,
             nutraceuticals  and two controls. Treatment was      A.K.M.M. & HOSSAIN, M.S.  (Dept. of
             given orally everyday for 28 days. Serum glucose     Biochemistry and Molecular  Biology,  Dhaka
             level  was  analysed  every 7 day intervals. It was
             observed that lowering of glucose  level  was        University, Dhaka). Triterpenoids from the Stem
             significant P = 0.01) for  every  7  day  treatment   Bark of  Avicennia officinalis.  Dhaka Univ. J.
             period. All of the nutraceuticals reduced the serum   Pharm. Sci.,     2006, 5 (1-2), 53-57.
             glucose level nearly to the normal value within 28
             days. The rate of lowering of the glucose level was   The triterpinoids, betulinic acid, lupeol and
             found  to  vary with the nutraceuitcals. Garlic was   betulinaldehyde, were isolated from the ethyl
             found to be most active like the glibenclamide. The   acetate extract of the stem bark  of Avicennia
             next active one was black cumin followed by methi    officinalis  (Avicenniaceae) by a combination
             and karela. The study conclude that nutraceuticals   of column and preparative Thin-layer
             possess significant hypoglycaemic property.          chromatagraphy over silica get. The structures

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