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Crude methanol extracts of leaf  and  pericarp  of   were found. Biexponential equation was applied to
             Artocarpus  (Moraceae) were investigated for         explore  and  explain drug release kinetics. It was
             possible cytotoxicity and free radical scavenging    found that drug release followed Fickian or case I
             activity.  Both extracts exhibited significant       kinetics from EMM 30D compressed tablet while
             activity in Brine shrimp lethality bioassay.  The    anomalous or non-fickian kinetics of drug release
             LC 50  values  were  found to be 18.2 µg/ml and      was observed for SR 30D system.
             138.9 µg/ml for the extract of leaves and pericarp
             respectively. LC 90  values  were 482.8 µg/ml and    249 ISLAM,       M.R.;    NURNABI,        M.;
             527.7  µg/ml respectively.The extracts also          CHOWDHURY, A.M.S.  (Dept. of Applied
             showed remarkable antioxidant activity  in  DPPH     Chemistry & Chemical Technology, Dhaka
             radical  scavenging  activity and total antioxidant   University, Dhaka), & MASUD, M.M. (Dept.
             capacity.In DPPH radical scavenging assay,  the      of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Dhaka University,
             IC50 values of the extracts of pericarp  and leaves   Dhaka). Synthesis of Some Biologically Important
             were found to be 39.9 µg/ml and  57.9  µg/ml         3-Oxacepham Derivatives. Dhaka Univ. J. Pharm.
             respectively while, the IC50 value of ascorbic acid   Sci.,     2006,  5 (1-2), 47-51.
             was 12.6 µg/ml. Total antioxidant  activity  also
             increased in a dose dependent manner in both the       The 6H-oxathiazines  la-e  having imine  moiety
                                                                  underwent     [2+2]     cycloaddition    with
             248  HOSSAIN, M.S.; JALIL, R.; REZA,                 phenoxyacetylchloride in the presence of  IC3N to
                                                                  give  β-lactam derivatives  2a-e in high yield. The
             M.S.; QUADIR, M.A. & HOSSAIN, C.F.                   X-ray crystallographic analysis revealed  the
             (Faculty of Pharmacy, Dhaka University, Dhaka).      relative stereochemistry that the substituents at C-2
             Evaluation  of kollicoat SR 30D and Kollicoat        and C-4  were cis configurated. The subtituents at
             EMM  30D as Matrix Former for Controlled             C-6 and C-7 were also cis to each other. However,
             Release Drug Delivery.  Dhaka Univ. J.  Pharm.       the 6H-oxathiazines If-i containing tert-butyl  or
             Sci., 2005, 4 (1), 65-71.                            methyl group at c-4 did  not  undergo  the
             Efficiency of kollicoat EMM 30 D and SR 30D as
             matrix forming material was investigated. It was     250  KARIM, P.; SADAT, A.F.M.N.(Dept.
             found that, theophylline loaded granules prepared    of Pharmacy, Asia Pacific University, Dhaka);
             with  these  two  polymers could not sustain drug
             release for a significant period of time. However,   HOSSAIN, M.l.; HASNAT, A.  (Dept. of
             compression of these granules into tablets           Clinical Phamacy and Pharmacology, Dhaka
             retarded  drug  release for up to 8 hours. Release   University, Dhaka); QUSAR, M.M.A.S. (Dept.
             was faster from EMM 30D polymeric system than        Of Psychiatry, BSMMU, Dhaka) & ISLAM, S.N.
             that from SR 30D) matrix. Effects  of  fillers  and   (Institute  of Nutrition and Food  Sciences, Dhaka
             rate modifiers on drug liberation have been          University, Dhaka). Immunoglobulin (lgG, lgA
             assessed. Incorporation of Advice RC  591  and       and lgM) Profiles in Schizophrenic Patients.
             starch caused substantial release of theophylline    Dhaka Univ. J. Pharm. Sci.,  2005. 4 (1), 39-43.
             from both the polymeric systems. Advicel PH 101
             intensified the retardation effect  of  both  HMM    The aim of this study was to determine the
             30D and SR 30D on theophylline release. HPMC         serum immunoglobulin concentration  in  both
             50  cps,  when  added to the matrix, caused the      schizophrenic patients and healthy individuals. The
             release of theophylline to follow  near  zero  order   study was conducted with 30 (thirty) schizophrenic
             pattern.  Increasing the content of HPMC in both     patients (24 males and 6 females, aged 55.4±I3.0
             EMM 30D and SR 30D  compressed  tablets              years); age and gender- matched, control subjects
             decreased  the  rate and extent of theophylline      were enrolled. An enzyme-linked immunosorbent
             release. In the presence of  excipients,  no         assay (ELISA) was employed to analyze the serum
             significant differences between role and extent of   immunoglobulin concentrations. Results  showed
             drug release from EMM 30D and SR 30D systems         that the concentrations of serum IgG, IgM and IgA

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