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The work was carried out to investigate  the         ibuprofen  and naproxen may be considered as
             analgesic activity of the whole  plant  Tragia       safe and effective.
             involucrata  Linn. The dried whole plant was
             successively extracted with petroleum ether, ethyl   229  ASHRAFI, M.; CHOWDHURY, J.A.
             acetate and methanol. Expriments were carried out    (Dept.  of  Pharmacy, Asia Pacific University,
             with these extracts for their peripheral and central   Dhaka)  & REZA, M.S.  (Faculty of Pharmacy,
             antinociceptive  potentials on acetic acid induced   Dhaka  University, Dhaka). CONTROLLED
             writhing and radiant heat tail-flick models in mice,   RELEASE OF METFORMIN HYDROCHLORIDE
             respectively. Both the ethyl acetate and methanolic   I.  IN VITRO  RELEASE FROM PHYSICAL
             extracts showed significant writhing inhibition      MIXTURE CONTAINING XANTHAN GUM AS
             while the elongation of tail-flick  time  was  most   HYDROPHILIC RATE RETARDING  POLYMER.
             prominent with methanolic extract at an oral dose    Dhaka Univ. J. Pharm. Sci.,   2005,  4 (1), 55-60.
             of 500 mg/kg body weight.
                                                                  Capsules of different formulations  were  prepared
             228  AMRAN,  M.S.; BARI, A.H.M.R.                    by using a hydrophilic polymer, xanthan gum and
             (Dept.   of  Pharmacy,   Rajshahi   University,      a filler Ludipress. Metformin hydrochloride, which
             Rajshahi)  & HOSSAIN, M.A.  (Dept. of                is an anti-diabetic agent, was used as a model drug
             Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Dhaka  University,         here with the aim to  formulate  sustained  release
             Dhaka).    IN    VITRO    AND      IN    VIVO        capsules.  In  the  first 6 formulations, metformin
             INTERACTIONS       OF    DILTIAZEM      WITH         hydrochloride and xanthan gum were used in
             IBUPROFEN AND NAPROXEN IN AQUEOUS                    different ratio. Later, Ludipress was added  to  the
             MEDIUM AND RABBITS.  Dhaka Univ.  J.                 formulations in a percentage of  8%  to  41%.  The
             Pharm. Sci.,  2006, 5 (1-2), 25-28.                  total procedure was carried out by physical mixing
                                                                  of the ingredients and filling  in  capsule  shells  of
             A common practice in the medical science is the      size ‘1’. As metformin  hydrochloride  is  a  highly
             prescription of multiple drugs at a  time, which     water soluble drug, the dissolution test was done in
             may sometimes be neither safe nor effective and      250 ml distilled water in a  thermal shaker
             may be deleterious. The present study  was           (Memmert) with a shaking speed of  50  rpm  at
             aimed  to  evaluate such a combination of            37 C ± 0.5 C for 6 hours. After the dissolution, the
             diltiazem  with ibuprofen and naproxen. The          data were treated with different  kinetic  models.
             invitro  interaction of diltiazem with ibuprofen     The results found from the graphs and data show
             and naproxen has been studied at  room               that the formulations follow the Higuchian release
             temperature  and  at  different pH in the aqueous    pattern as they showed correlation  coefficients
             medium by spectroscopic  and  conductometric         greater than 0.99 and the sustaining effect of the
             methods, and the  invivo  study was done in the      formulations was very high when the xanthan gum
             rabbit by measuring blood pressure  using  a         was used in a very high ratio with the drug. It was
             mercury manometer. It has  been  found  that         also investigated that the Ludipress extended  the
             diltiazem formed stable 1 : 1 complexes  with        sustaining effect of the formulation to some extent.
             ibuprofen  and  naproxen along with some inter       But after a certain period, Ludipress did not show
             mediates.   The Ardon's spectrophotometric           any  significant  effect  as the pores made by the
             method was employed to confirm the formation         xanthan gum network were already blocked. It is
             of 1 : 1 complex and for  the  calculation  of  the   found here that when the metformin hydrochloride
             stability constants. The invivo study was carried    and the xanthan gum ratio was 1:1, showed a high
             out to evaluate the influence of  ibuprofen  and     percentage  of  drug release, 91.80% of drug was
             naproxen on the antihypertensive activity  of        released after 6 hours. But with a xanthan gum and
             diltiazem in the rabbit.Concurrent administration    metformin hydrochloride ratio of 6:1, a very slow
             of ibuprofen and naproxen with diltiazem  did        release of the drug was obtained. Only 66.68% of
             not make any significant change in the               the drug was released after 6 hours. The  percent
             antihypertensivc activity of diltiazem. It  is  thus   loading in this case was 14%.  Again,  when
             inferred that co-administration of diltiazem with

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