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the patients in Kakabo. The villagers provided observed in D 3 and lowest was in FM based diet
them with local terms (e.g. paglami), their beliefs D 1. The highest feed intake and live weight was
about illness causation. treatment, and its effects. obtained on diet D 4. Feed conversion ratio
Some illnesses were believed to be present from differed significantly (P<0.01) among
birth and mostly incurable. Supernatural causation treatments. Feed conversion of laying quails
and local cure were mentioned for some other appeared to be highest on diet D 3 and lowest on
categories of illness. There were very few diet D. No significant variation was found in
instances when they accessed the existing mental egg quality in terms of shell thickness and yolk
health care in the big city. Widespread abuse of color among treatments, whereas yolk index
various substances was reported, in general, the differed significantly (P<0.05) among
participants showed broader acceptance of these treatments. The highest yolk index was obtained
conditions, excepting certain forms of substance on diet D 4 and the lowest on D 2. Albumen index
abuse. They discus these findings in relation to was highest in D 3 and lowest in D 1. But the
defining their perceptions in terms of explanatory highest shape index was obtained on diet D 3 and
model(s). Their analysis is also concerned with the lowest on diet D 2. It may be concluded that SM
way people 'embody' their 'illness experience', and based diet supplemented with 1.0 g lysine and
how this is made relevant for the process of coping 0.5 g methionine per kg diet gave better egg
with "mental illness' in the family, Further production, egg mass, egg weight and feed
investigation, however, is required to clarify some efficiency than that of FM based diet.
of the questions and ambiguities arising from this
small-scale exploratory qualitative study. 216 TASNIM, S. (Dept. of Obs. & Gynae,
Institute of Child and Mother Health, Matuail,
215 SULTANA, H.; HAQUE, M.R.; ALI, Dhaka) & BANU, L.P. (Dept. of Obs. &
M.A.; KAR. S. (Bangladesh Agricultural Gynae., Institute of Child and Mother Health,
University, Mymensingh) & UDDIN, M.J. Matuail, Dhaka). CARE SEEKING FOR
(Bangladesh Livestock Research Institute, Savar, BREAST FEEDING IN A PERIURBAN
Dhaka). REPLACEMENT OF FISH MEAL BY HOSPITAL. Bang. Med. J., 2007, 36 (1), 4-6.
SUPPLEMENTATION LYSINE AND Current recommendations for breast feeding
METHIONNINE IN LAYER QUAIL DIET. include exclusive breast feeding till 6 months.
Bang. J. Anim. Sci., 2007, 36 (1 & 2), 88-96. introduction of complementary feeding and to
continue breast milk up to 24 months of age.
An experiment was conducted with 90 Japanese Despite widespread campaign and service in
quails at 8 to 13 weeks of age to determine the Bangladesh, breast-feeding indicators yet does
effect of feeding diet replacing fish meal (FM) by not show optimum achievement.
soybean meal with or without supplementation
of lysine (L) and methionine (M) on egg A cross sectional study was done among a
production and egg quality. The diet D 1 was FM sample of 60 mothers who delivered at
based diet while diets D 2, D 3, D 4 and D 5 were Institute of Child and Mother Health (ICMH)
vegetable protein (soybean meal) based diets between May to June 2000 (Group 1) and 584
with synthetic L and M supplementation at the who attended lactation management centre
levels of 0.0, 0.0; 1.0, 0.5; 1.5, 0.8 and 2.0 and (LMC) between January to March
1.0 g per kg diet, respectively and the ration was 2006(Group 2) to compare the pattern of care
formulated according to recommendation of seeking for breast feeding by lactating
NRC (1994) feeding standard. Fgg quality mothers over two different points of time.
parameters were measured. Hen day egg About 45% vs 60% belong to 14-23 years,
production and egg mass production differed primipara was 85.5% vs 60.7% in group 1 and
significantly (P<0.01) among diets during the 2 respectively. Mothers sought care for breast
period of 8 to 13 weeks of age. The highest hen problems in 32.5% and 40% respectively.
day production and egg mass production was Counseling on breast feeding (BF) and