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demonstration of position and attachment was         diseases, bone and joint  disorders,.  injuries  and
             done in almost all mothers. Oketani massage          genetic disorders. It is estimated that chronic
             was given to 29% vs. 36.6% in group 1 and 2          diseases will account for double  the  number  of
             respectivly.                                         deaths  from  all infectious diseases (including
                                                                  HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria),  maternal
             The LMC of ICMH provides breast feeding              and   perinatal  conditions,  and   nutritional
             services to mothers delivered at ICMH as well        deficiencies combined.
             as those delivered in the community. Further
             study is required to evaluate the role of the        Most of the world's, population live in  the
             centre in addressing the need of lactating           developing  countries.  Around 4.9 million people
             mothers for successful breast feeding.               die as a result of tobacco use: 2.6 million people
             614 :    MEDICAL SCIENCES :                          die as a result of being, overweight or obese; 4.4
                          PUBLIC HEALTH                           million people die as a result of  raised  total
                                                                  cholesterol levels; 7.1 million people die as a result
                                                                  of  raised  blood pressure. These deaths occur in
             217 CHOWDHURY,               A.M.S.       U.;        equal  numbers  among men and women. Almost
             RAHMAN, M. & ISLAM, M.S.;  (Dept. of                 half of chronic disease deaths occur prematurely in
             Applied Chesmistry and  Chemical  Technology,        people under 70 years of age.  One  quarter  of  all
             Dhaka University, Dhaka). STUDIES ON TRACE           chronic disease deaths occur in people  under  60
             ELEMENTS OF TANNERY EFFLUENTS.  J.                   years of age. Childhood overweight and obesity in
             Bang. Acad. Sci., 2006, 30 (1),  9-13.               children  is  a rising global problem. About  22
                                                                  million children aged less than five years are
             A survey of trace elements levels in the effluents   overweight. Bangladesh is now suffering from an
             of   tannery   industries  is  reported.  The        epidemiological  transition of double burden of
             concentrations of chromium, manganese, zinc,         both chronic and infectious diseases.  Chronic
             copper, iron, nickel, strontium, potassium  and      diseases burden are increasing over the time. These
             calcium were measured by TXRF (Total Reflection      diseases hinder economic growth and reduce the
             X-ray Fluorescence) method. The concentrations       development potential of a  country.  The  great
             of observed metals levels were compared with         epidemics  of  tomorrow are unlikely to resemble
             industrial  effluent  quality  standards   for       those that have previously swept the  world.  The
             Bangladesh.                                          'invisible' epidemics of chronic  diseases  for  the
                                                                  foreseeable  future  will  take the greatest toll in
             218   HUSSAIN,  S.M.A.  (Dept. of Oncology,          deaths and disability. The  strongest  evidence  can
             BSMMU,      Dhaka).  PREVENTING       SILENT         dispel  notions  that  chronic diseases are a distant
             CHRONIC KILLER DISEASES : A STRATEGIC                threat and are less important and serious than some
             INTERVENTION FOR UPCOMING GLOBAL                     infections diseases.
             PUBLIC     HEALTH      CHALLENGES        AND
             BANGLADESH. Bang. Med. J., 2006, 35 (2), 67-         Chronic diseases can be prevented and controlled.
             70.                                                  In reality the major causes (risk  factors  such  as
                                                                  unhealthy diet, physical inactivity and tobacco use)
             Chronic    diseases are the major cause of deaths    of  chronic diseases are known, and if these risk
             globally and impact is gradually  rising.  Around    factors were eliminated, at least  80%  of  all  heart
             more  than  half  of  all deaths are due 10 chronic   disease, stroke and type-2 diabetes would be pre-
             diseases. Low and middle-income countries experi-    sented;  over 40% of cancer would be prevented.
             ence the bulk share of deaths caused due to chronic   80% of premature heart  disease,  stroke  and
             diseases.  Thousands  of people died prematurely     diabetes can be prevented. Every death averted is a
             each year as a result of the global epidemic chronic   bonus, but the goal contains an additional positive
             diseases. Chronic diseases include heart disease,    feature: almost half of these averted deaths would
             stroke,  cancer, chronic respiratory diseases,       be in men and women under 70 years of age and
             diabetes, mental disorders, visual impairment  and   almost nine out of 10 of these would be in low and
             blindness, hearing impairment and  deafness.  oral   middle income countries. Extending these lives for

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