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different markets of four regions of the country, ORNATE MICROHYLID (MICROHYLA
namely Bogra. Ullapara, Sunamgonj and Sherpur. ORNATA). Bang. J. Life Sci., 2007, 19 (1), 33-40.
Capillary column coupled to Gas Cromatograph
with Electron Captured Detector techniques was The study was conducted on the metamorphic
used in this study. The results indicated that 35 stages of Skipper frog (Euphlyctis cyanophlyctis)
samples out of 40 were found contaminated with and Ornate microhylid (Microhyla ornata) at
low concentration of DDT, DDE, and DDD. The Wildlife Rescue Centre (WRC), Jahangirnagar
concentration of total DDT in these samples University, Savar, Dhaka, between May, 2005 and
ranged from 4 to 1188 ng/g fats. The concentration June, 2006. Breeding activities of Skipper frog
of total DDT in Chanda fish (Chanda nama) started from June and continued up to the last week
collected from Bogra region was 1188 ng/g fat, of September, while, it was between May and the
which exceeded the FAO/IAEA/WHO first week of October for O. microhylid. The egg
recommended MRL level. However, the lowest clutch size of Skipper frog varied from 48 to 348
concentration (4 ng/g fat) of total DDT was eggs (mean = 204, n = 40) while, it was 53 to 212
detected in the dried Kaski fish (Corica soborna) eggs (mean = 135, n = 30) in O. mierohylid. The
collected from Sunamgonj region. egg diameter is larger (range =1,6 mm to 2.2 mm,
mean = 1.86 mm, std. ± 0.165) in Skipper frog than
597.8 : ZOOLOGY : FROGS O. microhylid (range = 1.26 to 1.51 mm, mean =
1.38 mm, std. ± 0.0792). In both the species,
202 AHMED, A.T.A. & BEGUM, A. (Dept. atching occurred one day after the egg laying but,
of Zoology, Dhaka University, Dhaka). A hatching rate was more in O. microhylid (97.05%)
SURVEY ON THE HELMINTH PARASITES OF than, Skipper frog (81.24%). Tadpoles of Skipper
frog took 25-26 days to complete the
1799, BULLFROG (HOPLOBATRACHUS metamorphosis while, O- microhylid took 43-45
TIGERINUS DAUDIN, 1802) AND SKIPPER days. During tadpole development, hind limbs
FROG (EUPHLYCTIS CYANOPHLYCTIS buds emerged first then fore limbs buds. In Skipper
SCHNEIDER, 1799) FROM DHAKA AND FENI frog the hind limbs buds and fore limbs buds
DISTRICTS. Bang. J. Zool., 2006, 34 (1), 79-86. emerged at 16 and 20 day of tadpole
development, while, these emerged at 22 day and
Two trematodes and three nematodes in toad, three 36 day in O. microhylid respectively.
trematodes. one cestode and three nematodes in
bullfrog and three trematodes and two nematodes 204 HOSSAIN, S.T.; KABIR, M.M. &
in skipper frog were found. The toad and frog were HASAN, M.K. (Dept. of Zoology, Jahangirnagar
collected from Gandaria and Sreepur area in University, Savar, Dhaka). FOOD AND FEEDING
Dhaka, and Feni and Sonagazi area in Feni districts HABIT OF INDIAN BULL FROG
between June 1997 and May 1998. All the hosts (HOPLOBATRACHUS TIGERINUS) AT
examined were infected by helminth parasites. Of JAHANGIRNAGAR UNIVERSITY CAMPUS,
the seven species identified, Neopharyngodon sp. SAVAR, DHAKA, Bang. J. Life Sci., 2008, 20 (1),
had the highest prevalence and intensity in toad, 7-13.
Monobothrium sp. and Neopharyngodon sp. had
the highest prevalence and intensity in the bullfrog The food and feeding behaviour of the Indian bull
and Pleurogenoides petropedatis had the highest frog, Hoplobatrachus tigerinus was studied at
prevalence and intensity in the skipper frog. Jahangirnagar University campus between June
2005 and July 2006 by using gut analysis
203 HASAN, M.K.; FEEROZ, M.M.; technique. A total of 33 types of food items were
KABIR, M.M.; DEGUM, S. & found in the alimentary canal of H. tigerinus of
which 27 were animal foods, three were plant
ATIQUZZAMAN, K.M. (Dept. of Zoology, matters and three were other items. Insects were
Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka). the main food item (62%) of H. tigerinus Other
METAMORPHIC STAGES OF SKIPPER FROG food items comprised of fishes (11%), mollusks
(5%) and annelids (3%). Among the insects seven