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maintaining their daily life expenses. The           LEAN       FISHES      IN     LABORATORY
             sanitation process of the study area was very poor.   CONDITION. Bang. J. Zool., 2007, 35 (1), 49-60.

             191  ZANNAT, M.F.; AKTER, T. & AHMAD,                A  new  dimension of preservation process
             S.  (Dept.  of Zoology, Jahangirnagar University,    (Turmeric Salting Process) "TPS"  for  curing  of
             Savar, Dhaka).  LARVICIDAL ACTIVITY OF               nutritionally enriched lean fishes  (non-fatty,
             FRESH  AND ROTTEN LEAF EXTRACT OF                    .smaller fishes), such as Mola [Amblypharyngodon
             SOME INDIGENOUS PLANTS AGAINST                       mola, Hamilton Buchanan. 1822) and Chapila
             LATE 3  INSTAR LARVAE OF  CULEX                      (Gudusia  chapra. Hamilton Buchanan, 1822) was
             QUINQUEFASCIATUS          SAY      (DIPTERA:         compared to other general salt curing methods (e.g.
             CULICIDAE). Bang. J. Life Sci., 2007, 19 (1), 25-    dry salting, pickle salting, and mixed salting). The
             31.                                                  TPS included a combination of salting and drying
                                                                  process and addition of turmeric with salt  as
             Laboratory studies were carried out to evaluate the   preservative. The curing periods of the TSP ranged
             larvicidal properties of fresh and rotten leaf extract   from  8  to 14 hours (drying time) whereas it was
             of five indigenous plants with three concentrations   72, from 120 to 144, arid 120 to 168 hours in case
             5%, 10% and 15% against late 3  instar larvae of     of Dry Salted Product (DSP), Pickle Salted Product
             Culex quinquefasciatus  Say. Tested plants were      (PSP) and Mixed Salted Product  (MSP),
             Azadirachta indica  (Neem),  Lantana camara          respectively. The TSP contained higher percentage
             (Utushkanta),  Ipomea Fistulosa  (Dholkolmi),        of protein (42.12 to 45.35 %) and fat (8.2 to 8.26
             Tagetes patula  (Gada) and  Duranta plumieri         %)  and  lower percentage of moisture (15.46 to
             (Katamehedi).  Highest mortality occurred within     20.12 %) than those of DSP, PSP and MSP. The
             24  hours  with 3 different concentrations of both   shelf-life  of  the  TSP  ranged from 4 to 5 months
             fresh and rotten leaves of  Ipomea fistulosa.        and of the DSP, PSP and MSP ranged from 2 to 3
             Significant   difference  occurred   in    5%        months at room temperature. The sensory scores of
             concentration of fresh and rotten leaves of Tagetes   the TSP showed the highest average value (4.875)
             patula,  in rotten leaves 90%, and in fresh  leaves   of  all  the values of other products. The average
             41.66% mortality occurred. Percent mortality  did    Total Volatile Nitrogen (TVN) values of the G.
             not vary between 5% and 10% concentrated extract     chapra and A. mola fishes were 100 and 110 in the
             of fresh leaves. But, 10% concentrated extract  of   case of TSP, 177 and 181 in the DSP, 176 and 191
             rotten leaves of Duranta plumieri, Tagetes patula    in the PSP. and 192 and 204 in the MSP. In this
             and Ipomea fistulosa shows higher toxicity (above    case the turmeric could have acted as a protector
             90%) against  Culex  larvae than extract of  fresh   against insect pests, fungi and other pathogens and
             leaves.  No significant variation occurred between   served as a longer term preserver containing a taste
             extract of fresh and rotten leaves of different plants   increasing nutrient. The TSP showed a prime level
             in 15% concentration, but, 15% extract of fresh      of  effectiveness possessing a longer shelf-life,
             and rotten leaves of  Azadirachta indica  and        higher sensory scores, shorter curing period, better
             Lantana camara significantly differ with their 5%    quality and more favourable nutrient properties for
             concentration after 24 hours of exposure.            preservation  than any other type of salt curing
             597 :    ZOOLOGY : FISHES
                                                                  193  BASHAR, M.A.; MAMUN, M.A.; KHAN,
             192   AKTER, S.; AHMED, A.T.A.  (Dept. of            H.R.  & CHOWDHURY, M.A.K.  (Dept. of
             Zoology, Dhaka University, Dhaka); WAHED,            Zoology, Dhaka University, Dhaka).  WING-
             M.A. & KHALEQUE, M.A.  (Institute of  Food           VENATION AS A FACTOR FOR THE
             Science and Technology,  BCSIR,  Dhaka).             IDENTIFICATION         OF       NYMPHALID
             STUDIES ON THE PERFORMANCE OF                        BUTTERFLIES      IN    THE    FORESTS     OF
             TURMERIC        WITH       SALT      AS     A        GHITTAGONG         &      COX'S       BAZAR
             PRESERVATIVE FOR THE CURING OF TWO                   (BANGLADESH). Bang. J. Zool.,  2006,  34 (2),

   57   58   59   60   61   62   63   64   65   66   67