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The   nest   and    nest   building   behaviour   of     biochemical  parameters such as alanine amino
             the   little   cormorant, Phalacrocorax niger, was   transferase  (ALT), aspartate amino transferase
             studied in a colony at Dhonagoda village under       (AST), alkaline phosphate (ALP),  bilirubin,  total
             Matlab thana in Chandpur district. The study was     protein (TP), albumin, urea,  creatinine,  uric  acid
             performed from February 2003 to January 2005.        (UA), total cholesterol (TC),  triglyceride  (TG),
             The nest building started in May and continued up    low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C),  and
             to August. The trees used for nesting were Albizia   high-density lipoprotein cholesterol  (HDL-C).
             procera, Mangifera indica.  Ficus spp.,  Streblus    Jirakadyarista at a dose of 20 mg/kg body weight
             asper and Cocos nucifera.More than half (61.22%)     for 48 consecutive days  significantly  (p<0.05)
             of the nests were built in mango trees. The height   decreased the plasma levels of ALT, AST,  ALP,
             of the nests from the ground was 8.9 ± 1.2 m. The    Creatinine and TG; while plasma Total Protein and
             nests were 27.8 ± 5.8 cm in diameter. The cups of    Albumin levels were significantly increased. These
             the nests were 14.5 ± 2.9 cm in diameter and 5.3 ±   results  suggest that the drug exerts no adverse
             1.3  cm in depth.The nest materials used by the      effects on female rats, while considering liver and
             little cormorant were Capsicum frutescans plant as   kidney functions.
             a whole, dry leaves of Eucalyptus citriodora, fruits
             of  Coriandrum  sativum, Cynodon dactylon, dry       612 :   MEDICAL SCIENCES :
             stem of Ziziphus Jujube, stem of Mangifera indica               PHYSIOLOGY
             trees,  Polygonum  sp. plant as a whole,  Enhydra
             fluctuans. Corchorus olitorius and straws. The nest
             was  built  by both male and female cormorants       210  BEGUM, M. &  NESSA, Z.  (Bio-
             where materials were observed to  be  collected      Chemistry  and  Applied Nutrition Division, IFST,
             mostly by the male and placing and arranging were    BCSIR, Dhaka). STUDIES ON THE  GROWTH
             performed by both male and  female.The  time         PATTERN OF BOYS UNDER TEN IN  A
             required for the nest building was 10.85 ±  1.98     SELECTED SCHOOL OF DHAKA CITY. Bang.
             days. In total 219 nests were recorded in the colony   J. Sci. Ind. Res., 2007, 42 (1), 83-88.
                                                                  The study was carried out among 180 school boys
             209  UDDIN, B.; KHAN, M.A.  (Dept. of                with an age range  from  4  to below 10 years
             Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Jahangirnagar      attending a school in Dhaka City with a view to
             University, Savar, Dhaka);  MOUSHUMI, S.J.;          assess the growth pattern. Gomez  and  waterlow
             ASHAB,       I.;  CHOUDHURY,          M.S.K.         classification were used to classify the nutritional
             (Ethnopharmacology    Laboratory,   Dept.   of       status. Only 1 boy had weight for height less than
             Pharmacy,   Jahangirnagar  University,  Savar,       70%, while 10.0% were wasted, 10.6% stunted,
             Dhaka)    &   BILLAH,      M.M.     (Pharmacy        1.7% were both wasted & stunted and 77.8% of the
             Discipline, Khulna University, Khulna). EFFECTS      boys  were  normal in all the parameters. The
             OF     CHRONIC      ADMINISTRATION         OF        overall nutritional condition of  under  ten  boys
             JIRAKADYARISTA         ON     THE     BLOOD          were found to be better than the country situation.
             BIOCHEMICAL  PARAMETERS OF FEMALE                    The boys of the school belong to a privileged class
             RATS. Bang. J. Life Sci., 2007, 19   (2), 77-82.     which represent a typical group of population  of
                                                                  the country.
             The Ayurvedic preparation Jirakadyarista is  used
             to treat post-delivery febrile complications known   211  MUSA, A.S.M. & BHUIYAN, A.S.
             as sutikaroga (puerperal disorders). The drug is     (Dept. of Zoology, Rajshahi University, Rajshahi).
             also  traditionally  used to treat agnimandya        BIOCHEMICAL         COMPOSITION         AND
             (dyspepsia), atisara (diarrhoea)  and  grahani       NUTRITIONAL       STATUS       OF    MYSTUS
             (malabsorption syndrome). In the present study,      BLEEKERI (DAY) OF THE RIVER PADMA IN
             the   effect  of   chronic  administration  of       BANGLADESH.  Bang. J. Zool., 2006,  34  (2),
             Jirakadyarista on female Sprague-Dawley rats         243-246.
             were evaluated by measuring some  plasma

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