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Proximate biochemical compositions of Mystus our country to find out the pattern of low back
bleekeri (Day), such as moisture, protein, lipid and pain. This will help development of guidelines
carbohydrate were determined in freshly caught for modifying the life style of our working
fishes. Studies were also made on the changes in class people. These guidelines may work as
proximate composition in ice preserved condition preventing measure for mechanical low back
of the fishes. Some mineral compositions, such as pain. Logical approach and management plan
phosphorous, potassium, magnesium, calcium, of our people may have special need and
zinc, copper, manganese and iron were evaluated. attention according to the cause and pattern of
The fish comprised of 72.94% moisture. 16.67% low back pain.
protein, 6.12% lipid, 2.53% ash and 1.63%
carbohydrate in fresh condition, and 75.92%, 14. 613 : MEDICAL SCIENCES :
16%, 5.07%, 2.85% and 1.91% of the above HEALTH & HYGIENE
components, respectively in 10 days ice stored
condition. The mineral compositions were 835 mg
potassium. 120 mg magnesium, 180 mg calcium, 213 AFTAB, T. ; BASHIR, F. &
16 mg zinc, 5.71 mg copper, 6.12 mg manganese SHAFIQ, T. (Pakistan Council of Scientific
and 23.5 mg iron per 100 g of M. bleekeri. and Industrial Research Labs. Complex,
212 RAHMAN, M.S.; UDDIN, M.T. & POLLUTION A HAZARD, Bang. J. Sci. Ind.
SHAKOOR, M.A. (Dept. of Physical Medicine Res., 2007, 42 (4), 435-440.
and Rehabilitation, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib
Medical University, Dhaka). LOW BACK PAIN- A road traffic noise study was conducted in
REVIEW ON MANAGEMENT APPROACH. Lahore at 18 busy places of high traffic flow in
Bang. Med. J., 2006, 35 (2), 63-66. peak working hours of the day. It has been found
that the day time average noise level has crossed
Low back pain is a symptom not disease. It the permissible limit of 85dB(A) at 90% busy
could be due either to mechanical or points in the city. The maximum average noise
inflammatory disorders of any or many of level recorded in Lahore was 104 dB(A). This
anatomical components of low back region. high level attributed to vehicular traffic specially
auto rickshaw with ineffective silencers (without
Low back pain is extremely common, is
estimated to affect about 65 to 80 percent of filters) and frequent use of the pressure horns by
population sampled and account for one third buses, wagons and trucks etc. The findings of
the survey provide enough baseline data for
of rheumatic complaints . It is the third most
common bodily symptoms after headache and engineering controls and interim legislation
tiredness. About 70% of the Americans have against traffic noise pollution.
back pain at sometimes in their lives. In
Bangladesh we have no statistics about 214 SELIM, N. (James P Grant School of
prevalence and incidence of low back pain. Public Health, BRAC University, 66 Mohakhali,
Community survey at different level is Dhaka) & SATALAR, P. (Family Health
necessary to find out the approximate International (FHI), Balarama Building, Bandra
incidence of low back pain, this may give a Kurla Complex, Bandra East, Mumbai 400051,
primary idea about the incidence of low back India). PERCEPTIONS OF MENTAL ILLNESS
pain in Bangladesh. The way the people work IN A BANGLADESHI VILLAGE. BRAC Univ. J.,
at home, in the office in the field, the 2008, V (1), 45-55.
equipment they use in their job places, the
way, the road they journey are distinctly In this paper, the researchers discuss the
different from that of developed countries. So perceptions of people from a Bangladeshi village
the incidence and pattern of mechanical low about what they considered to be 'mental illness'.
back pain in our country may give a new Observations, informal conversations, interviews,
picture and may differ from that of western focus group discussions, and illness narratives
countries. Adequate research is necessary in include the perspectives of both the caregivers and