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Uterovesiculurus hamati  Guschanskaja 1954,          Thirty four species of nymphalid butterflies were
             Thaparotrema    vittalant  Gupta   1954,  and        identified from a collection of 722 specimens from
             Hypohepaticola callionymi  Yamaguti 1934;  two       a three year sampling programme from July 1999
             cestodes:  Nybelinia lingualis  Cuvier 1817 and      to June 2002, in some forest areas  of  Chiltagong
             Parachristianella trygonis  (Plerocercus) Dollfus    and Cox's Bazar districts of Bangladesh.  The
             1946; two  nematodes:  Dujardinascaris  larva        foraging,  pollinating,  mating and egg laying
             Baylis 1947, Heterotyphylum cheni Hsii, 1957 and     behaviour  of these identified species were noted
             one     Acantoocephala,    Neorgadinorhynchus        down  during  the collection. Butterfly abundance
             aspinosum Yamaguti 1939 from the buccal cavity,      and the phenology of the associated plants in the
             oesophagus, stomach, intestine, caecum,  liver,      sampled  areas  are included. Species specific
             body cavity of the host fish.                        relationships between plants and butterflies  are
                                                                  also listed.
             198 MAHMOOD,  S.U.  (Dept. of Zoology,
             Dhaka University, Dhaka).  EFFECTS OF                200 NARGIS,  A.         (BCSIR    Laboratories,
             DIFFERENT FEEDS ON THE  LARVAL                       Rajshahi). SEASONAL VARIATION IN  THE
             J. Zool., 2006, 34 (1), 133-139.                     OF    KOI   FISH    ANABAS     TESTUDINEUS
                                                                  (BLOCH) (ANABANTIDAE : PERCIFORMES)
             The suitability of different feeds for the larval    Bang. J. Sci. Ind. Res., 2006, 41 (3 & 4), 219-226.
             rearing of pabda, Ompok pabda was investigated.
             A completely randomized design (CRD) with four       Protein,  carbohydrate,  fat, ash and moisture
             treatments,  each with three replications, was       contents in the body muscle  Anabas testudineus
             followed. Four different feeds were tested.  The     (Bloch) were investigated. The  compositions
             feeds were assigned to different  treatments  as:    varied seasonally in relation to reproductive cycle
             Artemia nauplii (T 1), tubificid worms (T2), rotifer   of the fish. Significant correlation existed between
             powder (T 3) and zooplankton (T 4). The experiment   moisture and carbohydrate,  moisture  and  fat,
             was  continued for a period of 28 days. Induced      moisture and protein, moisture and ash, protein and
             breeding larvae (four-day old) were used in  the     ash, fat and carbohydrate, fat and ash, protein and
             experiment. The water quality variables,  such  as   carbohydrate.  The  protein content found to be
             temperature (28.0 ± 1.0  e), dissolved oxygen (5.40   higher in medium sized fishes  and  gradually
             ± 0.70 to 5.80 ± 0.90 ppm). pH (7.00 ± 0.60 to 7.40   decreased with the increase of age. Fat content was
             ± 0.50), total hardness (114 ± 5.00 to 116 ± 6.00),   higher in large-sized male than that of the females.
             free  ammonia  (0.021 ± 0.001 to 0.025 ± 0.001),     Carbohydrate  content was slightly higher in male
             etc., were found within the acceptable limit of      than the female.
             larval rearing. The larvae fed with tubificid worms
             had significantly (p < 0.05)  highest  growth  (per   201  UDDIN, M.A.; CHOWDHURY, M.A.Z.;
             cent length gain 235.80 ± 2.09. per cent weight      RAHMAN, M.M.; RAHMAN, M.S. (Institute of
             gain 2025.10 ± 17.82, specific growth rate 13.55 ±   Food  and Radiation Biology, Atomic Energy
             0.01) and survival (65.0 ±  2.0%),  followed  by     Research Establishment, Savar, Dhaka)  &
             Artemia nauplii. zooplankton and rotifer  powder.    MAHMUD, A.A.  (Dept. of Zoology, Dhaka
             Finely chopped tubificid worms were suggested to     College, Dhaka).  STUDIES  ON DDT RESIDUE
             feed pabda larvae up to a stockable size.            AND  ITS  METABOLITES IN DRY FISHES
                                                                  FROM       DIFFERENT        REGIONS       OF
             199  MAMUN,  M.A.; BASHAR, M.A. &                    BANGLADESH.  Bang. J. Zool., 2007,  35  (1),
             KHAN, H.R.  (Dept. of Zoology, Dhaka                 107-114.
             University,   Dhaka).   PHENOLOGY        AND
             ABUNDANCE OF NYMPHALID BUTTERFLIES  OF               Studies were carried out for the identification and
             SOME  HILLY FORESTS OF CHITTAGONG AND                quantification of pesticide residues in  some
             COX'S BAZAR, BANGLADESH.  Bang. J. Zool.,            commercially important dried fish species of
             2008, 36 (1), 11-18.                                 different regions of Bangladesh. Forty samples of
                                                                  20 different dried fish species were collected from

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