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Sci., 2006, 18 (1), 69-78. STAGES OF AEDES AEGYPTI (LINNAEUS)
Intensive survey was conducted to record the Bang. J. Life Sci., 2008, 20 (2), 95-100.
container breeding habitats of mosquitoes in the
Dhaka city at six selected areas from May to Esterase isozyme patterns of the eggs, larvae,
October 2003 (number arbitrarily as area 1-6). A pupae, females and males of Aedes aegypti were
total of 6168 larvae, representing five species, observed on 7.5% polyacrylamide gel
were recorded in 615 positive containers distribute electrophoresis (PAGE). A maximum of eight
among 266 out of 1440 houses visited. These were esterase bands with different relative mobility were
Ae. aegypti (Linn.), Ae. albopictus (Skuse), Cx. detected in this mosquito distributed among the
quinquefasciatus (Say), Cx. fuscocephala different life stages. The Rm (relative mobility) of
(Theobald), Ar. subalbatus (Coquillett). The these bands were Rm 1.0, 0.92, 0.84, 0.70, 0.60,
highest percentage of larvae was Ae. albopictus 0.52, 0.42 and 0.20 respectively based on
(54.72%) and the lowest was Cx. fuscocephala decreasing mobility. No esterase band was
(0,39%). The density of Ae. aegypti is higher than observed in eggs, 1 and 2 inslar larvae. Third
Ae. albopictus in area-2, area-3, and area-4 and the instar larvae possessed two esterase bands denoted
density of Ae. albopictus was higher than Ae. as Est 1 and Est 2, Eight esterase bands, Est 1-8,
aegypti in area-5, area-1 and area-6. More than were observed in 4 instar larvae. Pupae possessed
90% larvae in Banani area was Ae. albopictus. 7 esterase bands: Est I, Est 2, Est 3, Est 4, Est 5,
Among the indoor containers, the highest (29.7%) Est 6 and Est 7. Three esterase bands, Est I, Est 2
relative frequency was observed in bucket, gallon and Est 3 were observed in adult females and two
jar etc. (IN03) and the lowest was 0.1% in AC drip (Est 1 and Est 2) in adult males. The present study
pan (1N16). No larva was found in the bamboo revealed developmental stage-specific variability
stump (IN17) and coconut shell (1N18). The in esterase expression of Ae. aegypti.
density of both Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus
were the highest (37.76%) in clay jar, pot, pitcher 190 RAHMAN A.B.M.M.; KHANUM, H.;
(IN04) and the lowest (0.12%) in empty flower pot FARHANA, R. (Dept. of Zoology, Dhaka
(IN12). In the outdoor place, the relative frequency University, Dhaka) & CHOWDHURY, M.A.
was the highest (14.3%) in clay jar/ pot/ pitcher (Safeway Pest Control, Dhaka). CURRENT
(OU03) and the lowest (0.2%) in money plant STATUS AND ENDEMICITY OF
glass bulb (OU19). Density of larvae of both Ae. FILARIASIS IN THAKURGAON, THE
aegypti and Ae. albopictus are the highest NORTHERN PART OF BANGLADESH. Bang.
(82.51%) in cemented tank/ hole/jar, aquarium, J. Zool., 2008, 36 (1), 111-116.
water tank, plastic tank (OU04) and the lowest
(0.02%) in leaf axils (OU14) and money plant In the present study, three villages, viz. Fokdonpur,
glass bulb (OU19). It was found that clay jar, pot, Khankah and Gobindanagar in the Thakurgaon
pitcher (IN04), bucket, gallon jar etc. (1N03), Sadar Thana, which is the most endemic for
cemented tanks, artificial ponds, bathtubs, plastic filariasis, were surveyed. On an average 4.20%
tank, tin tank, water reservoir (IN05), drum (IN06), people were infected with filariasis in those
flower vase (IN01), tin pot, jerry can, aluminum villages. Sex was not a risk factor for this disease.
jar/ pot/ container etc.(IN11) are important indoor The respondents had poor knowledge regarding the
containers as mosquito breeding places.It is transmission of filariasis. Among the affected
suggested to reduce the availability of water people, 55.67% were illiterate and 25% had
reservoir to control container breeding mosquitoes primary education. The age group, 31-40 years,
in Dhaka city. showed the highest rate (35.23%) of infection and
the age group, 0-10 years, showed the lowest rate
189 JAHAN, I.; ALAM, M. S.; BEGUM, R.A.; (3.41%) of infetction. Most of the respondents
BEGUM, A. & SHAHJAHAN, R.M. (Dept. (77.27%) earned below Tk. 2000 per month and
of Zoology, Dhaka University, Dhaka). were unable to purchase mosquito net after