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DIVERSITY ON SOME REPRODUCTIVE castaneum (Herbst) adults. Contact toxicity (LD 50,
ATTRIBUTES IN THE GRAY FIELD SLUG value in µg beetle') assayed by topical application
DEROCERAS RETICULATUM (MÜLLER). J. showed in the order of cinnamon oil (40.16) >
Bio-Sci., 2007, 15, 15-21. clove oil (92-68) > neem oil (162.78) > eucalyptus
oil (180.84) > castor oil (276.88). The same order
Using a food choice design consisting of a single, of toxicity was recorded for the residual film
double and multiple diets, impacts of three assays of the oils where the LD 50, were 21.51,
common vegetables viz. cabbage (CAB), lettuce 59.59, 143.59. 399.18 and 542.43 µg cm ,
(LET) and potato (POT) on some important respectively after 24h and 44.15. 16.94, 324.37.
reproductive attributes of the gray field slug 65.41 and 349.08 µg cm , respectively after 48h of
Deroceras reticulatum (Muller) have been treatment in the above mentioned oils. However, in
assessed. Although adult body weight was not the fumigation assays, only cinnamon oil was toxic
affected by the diets, brood size was maximum in a having LD 50, value of 6.33 µg cm . In the treated
double diet (CAB+POT), but multiple diets filter paper repellency test, the essential oil was
(CAB+LET+POT) did not enhance egg repellent to T. castaneum adults.
productivity. Both LET and POT had significantly
greater number of eggs per day in companson with 176 MAJUMDER, M.Z.R. (Institute of
CAB. Multiple diets resulted in significantly Food and Radiation Biology, Atomic Energy
heavier eggs than the eggs from single or double Research Establishment, Dhaka). BIOLOGY OF
diet regimes. Eggs laid on LET had the lowest and SPODOPTERA LITURA (FAB.) (LEPIDOPTERA :
developmental time but the hatch rate across the Bang. J. Zool., 2007, 35 (1), 61-70.
diet regimes did not differ significantly. Hatchlings
from the single diet treatment were heavier than The biology of Spodoptera litura (Fab.)
the double diet regime, but those between single infesting garden flowers was studied. The
vs. multiple or double vs. multiple diets did not preadult stages of the insect were reared on rose
vary statistically. The heaviest hatchlings were and mulberry leaves in laboratory condition (25
from LET and the lightest ones were from the ± 5 c. RH 70 ± 10%). The life cycle of the pest
CAB+LET treatments. The present results would consisted of four definite stages, viz. egg. larva,
help researchers in selecting a convenient culture pupa and adult. The eggs were laid under dense
medium for rearing experimental slugs in the gray hairs. Incubation period was recorded 7 ±
laboratory. In addition, the data suggest that 1 days. The larva was the only destructive stage
polyculture ot vegetables might reduce slug on host leaves and flowers. The occurrence of
damage, especially by reducing the brood size, egg dried host leaves with prominent reticulate
production and hatchling size of D. reticulatum in venation was regarded as a common symptom
the fields. of moth infestation. Cannibalism was observed
during larval period. The caterpillar passed six
175 KHALEQUZZAMAN, M. & SAZZAD, larval instars in 20 ± 2 days. Pupal development
M.S. (Dept. of Zoology, Rajshahi University, needed 8 ±1 days prior to the emergence of
Rajshahi). TOXICITY AND REPELLENCE OF adult moth. Adult longevity ranged from 8 to
SOME PLANT ESSENTIAL OILS AGAINST 10 days in laboratory condition. Life cycle
THE RED FLOUR BEETLE. TRIBOLIUM usually completed in 37 days. Mulberry leaves
CASTANEUM (HERBST). Bang. J. Zool., 2007, 25 were found as a suitable laboratory-rearing
(2), 275-284. medium.
The toxicity and repellent activities of the essential 177 MAZID, M.A. (Dept. of Zoology,
oils of clove [Syzygium aromaticum (L.) Merr. & Rajshahi College, Rajshahi); PARWEEN, S.
Perry], cinnamon (Cinnamomum aromaticum (Dept. of Zoology, Rajshahi University,
Nees), eucalyptus (Eucalyptus spp.), neem Rajshahi); MONDAL, K.A.M.S.H. & ISLAM,
(Azadirachta indica A. Juss), and castor (Ricinus W. (Institute of Biological Sciences, Rajshahi
communis L.). were evaluated against Tribolium University, Rajshahi). OVICIDAL AND