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fishes (3.33). The prevalence (90%) and intensity    the eastern belt of Bangladesh.This  is  a
             (2.78) of trematodes were highest among the          monovoltine insect and host specific on the mango
             parasite groups. Both the prevalence and intensity   tree. Mangifera indica. It is strictly monophagous
             were highest in the intermediate length and weight   and survives only on mango. During the off season
             groups of fishes.                                    (May-September,  1998-1999) they were supplied
                                                                  with tender stem and young leaves of mango plants
             167  PARVEEN, R.; ISLAM, A. &                        in the laboratory condition (28 ± 5°C). The weevils
             D'SILVA, J.  (Dept.  of Zoology, Dhaka               consumed the supplied food and the quantity of the
             University, Dhaka). HELMINTH PARASITES IN            food  consumed increased gradually. Several
             NANDUS NANDUS (HAM.-BUCH., 1822). Bang.              mango weevils from the  experimental  stock  were
             J. Life Sci,, 2007, 19 (1), 101-106.                 examined by dissecting them  during  May-
                                                                  September.The study showed that the females with
             A  total  of 8 species of helminth parasites in      developing eggs in their ovaries  consumed  much
             Nandus nandus (Ham.-Buch. 1822) were collected.      of the supplied food.
             Among  them,  2 species were trematodes:
             Coitocaecum    orthorchis  and    Clinostomum        169  BEGUM, M. & CURTIS,  C.  ( Dept. of
             piscidium;  1  species  and 1 genera of cestodes:    Infectious and Tropical Disease, London School of
             Bothriocephalus. cuspidauts  and  Diplopylidium      Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London  University,
             sp.; 1 species and 2 genera  of  nematodes:          UK).  COMPARISONS OF PERSISTENCE OF
             Gnathostoma spinigerum, Contracaecum  sp. and        THE BIOLOGICAL  LARVICIDE,  BACILLUS
             Porrocaecum  sp., 1 species of acanthocephala:       THURINGIENSIS ISRAELENSIS (BTI) AND THE
             Pallisentis nandai,  were found in the intestine  of   INSECT  GROWTH REGULATORS. DIMILIN
             host. The overall prevalence and  intensity  of      AND     PYRIPROXYFEN        AGAINST      THE
             infection was 55% and 3.72,  respectively.  The      LARVAE OF ANOPHELES STEPHENSI. Bang.
             prevalence was higher (65.21%) in female than in     J. Zool., 2007, 35 (1), 19-25.
             male (41.17%) fishes. Similarly,  the  intensity  in
             the male and female fishes  were  4.00  and  3.6,    The   persistence  of  three  alternatives  to
             respectively.The highest number of host fish was     conventional  anti-mosquito   larvicides  was
             infected by nematode parasites (45%)  with  the      investigated. The tests were conducted in 10 litre
             highest mean intensity 2.22. Among the parasites,    plastic tanks in which a layer of  soil  was
             Porrocaecum  sp.  had the highest prevalence         introduced to create semi-natural  conditions.
             (22.5%) and  Clinostomum piscidium  had the          Formulations of  Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis
             lowest prevalence. Fishes of intermediate  length    (Bti) and two insect growth regulators (IGRs) were
             but, highest weight group  had  highest  prevalence   added  at the doses recommended by the
             of infection.                                        manufacturers. Samples were taken  at  intervals,
                                                                  dilutions were made and bioassays  were  carried
                                                                  out with the laboratory reared 4  instar larvae of
             597. 7 :   ZOOLOGY : INSECTA                         Anopheles stephensi.  Bactolarvicide, Larviol and
                             ENTO MOLOGY                          Vectobac  12AS formulations of Bti gave high
                                                                  mortality within 24 hours when tested in clean tap
             168  BASHAR, M.A.; RAHMAN, M. (Dept. of              water, but their activity decreased after coming in
             Zoology, Dhaka University, Dhaka) & HOSSAIN,         contact with the soil. Samples taken from the tanks
             M.A. (Dept. of Zoology, Dohar,  Nababganj            30 days after setting them  up  gave  no  mortality
             College, Nababganj, Dhaka).  SOME ASPECTS            after 24 hours, but there was some evidence for
             OF    FOOD      HABITS     AND     GONADAL           slight  residual  activity  on the longer exposure of
             DEVOLOPMENT           OF     STERNOCHETUS            larvae.  Among  the  IGRs. both Dimilin tablet and
             FRIGIDUS (COL: CURCULIONDAE) IN  OFF                 granular formulations and pyriproxyfen inhibited
             SEASON. Bang. J. Zool., 2006, 34 (2), 213-220.       adult emergence by 80-100 per cent in the samples
                                                                  taken from the tanks up to 90 days  after  setting
             The  Common  mango weevil,  Sternochetus             them up.
             frigidus, is an important pest of green mango along

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