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Mymensingh). FEEDING OF UREA phosphorous fertilizer on yield, chemical
SUPPLEMENTED AND UREA ENSILED composition and nutritive value of Napier grass
STRAW WITH OR WITHOUT SOYBEAN (Pennisetum Purpureum). Five different levels of
MEAL ON NUTRIENTS DIGESTIBILITY AND nitrogen (N) fertilizer (0, 40, 80, 120 and 160 kg
GROWTH PERFORMANCE OF BULL N/ha) and three levels ol phosphorous (P) fertilizer
CALVES. Bang. J. Anim. Sci., 2005, 34 (1 & 2), (0, 10 and 20 kg P/ha) were applied in a 5x3
45-53. factorial arrangement in Randomized Block
Design (RBD). Green biomass, dry matter (DM),
The experiment was conducted to study the effect organic matter (OM) and crude protein (CP) yields
of feeding urea supplemented and urea ensiled were increased significantly (P<0.01) with the
straw with or without soybean meal on nutrients increasing levels of N fertilizer. While, the green
digestibility and growth performance of bull calves biomass, DM, OM and CP yields linearly
for a period of 60 davs.Twelve growing bull calves increased with P levels hut those were not
(live weight 144.4±18.83 kg) were used and statistically significant (p>0.05.) Crude protein and
divided into 3 groups having 4 animals in each OM contents were increased due to N application
group.The animals of group A was offered 4% while DM, acid detergent fiber (ADF) and ash
urea supplemented straw, group B 4% urea ensiled contents were decreased for the increasing levels
straw and group C 4% urea + 3% soybean meal of N. The neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and ether
ensiled straw. In addition, all the animals were extract (EE) content in green grass were non
supplied with 3 kg green grass and 500 g significant (P>0.05) for the application of different
concentrate mixture per 100 kg body weight. The N fertilizer. Similarly, P fertilizer did not affect
results showed that urea treatment improved crude (P>0.05) on CP, ADF, EE, OM and ash content in
protein content of rice straw from 2.38 to 11.21 % Napier grass. Application of P fertilizer had a
and organic matter content of the straw from 83.58 significant (P<0.05) effect on the phosphorus
to 85.12%. Dry matter intake (kg /100 kg LW) was content of Napier grass. The level of N fertilizer
higher (p<0.05) in animals fed on diet C (3.39) significantly (P<0.01) incteased the in vitro
than that of diet A (3.11 kg) and diet B (3.30 kg). organic matter digestibility (IVOMD) and
Similarly Crude protein intake of the animals of metabolizable energy (ME, P<0.05) content in
group C was significantly (P<0.01) higher than Napier grass. Similarly, P fertilizer also
groups A and B.Like, wise the daily live weight significantly (P<0.05) increased the IVOMD and
gain was significantly higher (P<0.01) in group C ME contents with the increasing level. From the
(0.694 kg) than that of A (0.509 kg) and B (0.634 results of the present study, it is evident that Napier
kg). Soybean meal as a urease source with urea grass can be cultivated through the application
treated straw significantly (P<0.05) increased the of 120kg N/ha with 20kg P/ha.
digestibility of DM, OM. CP and NFE. Addition of
soybean meal also increased digestible crude 163 RAHMAN, M.M.; ALAM, M.R.;
protein (DCP), digestible crude fiber (DCF), AMIN, M.R. & RAHMAN, M.M. (Dept. of
digestible organic matter (DOM) and digestible Animal Science, Bangladesh Agricultural
nitrogen free extract (DNFE). University, Mymensingh). NUTRITIVE
162 KHALEDUZZAMAN, A.B.M.; ISLAM, FOLIAGES. Bang. J. Anim. Sci., 2007, 36 (1 &
N.; KHANDAKER, Z.H. & AKBAR, M.A. 2), 57-61.
(Dept. of Animal Nutrition, Bangladesh Agricultural
University, Mymensingh). EFFECT OF DIFFERENT An experiment was conducted to determine the
DOSES OF NITROGEN AND PHOSPHOROUS chemical composition, phenolic compounds,
FERTILIZER ON YIELD AND QUALITY OF calcium (Ca) and phosphorus (P) contents, in
NAPIER GRASS. Bang. J. Anim. Sci,, 2007, 36 (1 & vitro organic matter digestibility and energy
2), 41-49. content of Leucaena trichandra (Ipil-ipil-1),
Leucaena diversifolia (Ipll-ipil-2), Caliandra
The experiment was carried out to evaluate the calothyrsus (Calliandra) and Gliricidia sepium
effect of different doses of nitrogen and (Gliricidia) foliages. The dry matter, crude